[R] You're Embarrassing (Sapnap & Tommy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. haha now the dteam as tommy's siblings is complete :)c anyways this will be slightly different than the other two but do not worry there will be no angst)

Tommy was streaming earlier than he normally would. His parents had planned for him and Sapnap to go with them to a company dinner tonight, so he started streaming earlier to be able to end it earlier. He was also streaming alone, but that was okay, because his shining personality and his random talking was enough to keep his audience entertained while he continued one of his projects on the SMP.

Still, as the time ticked by, his enthusiasm was getting less and less, although he still tried to keep it up. Unbeknownst to him, his brother was about to make it better, or worse, depending on what perspective you were watching from.

Sapnap sighed as he muted the stream. Tommy was losing his enthusiasm, and he knew that the younger valued his relatability and his ability to entertain more than a lot of other things. And as his older brother, he should help him. Admittedly, it wasn't a conventional way to help, but he was sure that the younger wouldn't mind, especially since they had discussed this a lot of times before, with Sapnap always saying he was not ready yet, to save the reveal for a special occasion. And, well, it looked like today would be that 'special occasion'.

He crept to Tommy's room, careful to not step his feet onto the ground too loudly. Slowly, he creaked open the door, stepping inside quietly as Tommy continued talking, fully focused on his build. He knew the camera captured his figure as he stepped closer, knowing he was fully in view of the camera, and that the viewers would know exactly who he was.

Sapnap raised his finger to his mouth and made a shushing motion, smiling cheekily at the camera. He looked down at his phone, where he had Tommy's stream open, but on mute, and saw how fast the chat was rolling by. He started up a poll, knowing that Tommy wouldn't be checking chat with how focused he was.

Reveal an embarrassing story about Tommy?
Yes - 53%
Also Yes - 47%

When the poll ended, Sapnap walked closer to Tommy, before clearing his throat, already knowing what story he was tell.

"When he was six, and we were visiting Disneyland," Sapnap spoke softly, but just loud enough that his voice would be audible through Tommy's babble. "And we were waiting in line for one fo the rides, right? And this little fucker, he's sick of standing under the Sun for a couple of minutes, so he turns to our mom and complains. Naturally, mom ignores him, so he does something else."

"What the fuc-" Tommy looked behind him, eyes wide at seeing Sapnap in his room. "Sap, what the hell?!"

With a cheeky grin, Sapnap continued on. "So this little bastard stands there like normal, and then when we're all distracted, he runs to the front of the line, and he looks at the ride attendant after going to the front — and I know this because I followed him — and I shit you not, he said-"

"Oh my gOD-!" Tommy screeched, turning his chair around, already not paying attention to his stream as he tackled Sapnap, the latter who was still laughing. "You're embarrassing me, stop!"

While he yelled at his brother, his stream chat was going wild.

plsEatbutnoVor: omg tommy is acting so much like my lil brother rn
LieeeRAe: new twt term pog??? methinks troubletwt?? bc they always be causing trouble in the smp??
theydamsel: TROUBLETWT!!!
lorayForYou: this is so cute
HummingBirdIsDeawie: AWWWWWWWW

"And chat, did you know that one time when he was seven," Sapnap raised his voice over Tommy's screeching. "We were at the park, and when he saw the sandbox he tried to-"

"Shut up shut up shUT UP!" Tommy yelled, slapping his hands over Sapnap's mouth, suddenly remembering that he was still streaming. "Chat, don't you dare believe the lies this man is spewing out of his fucking mouth. I did not do anything like that."

Sapnap managed to wrestle the younger to the ground, and rushed to his computer to take control of his Minecraft character.

"Oh, look at me, I'm TommyInnit and I'm a little bitch," Sapnap purposefully talked with a horrible British accent. Tommy scrambled up from the floor, and the next five minutes were just them fighting over control of the computer while the viewers furiously spammed chat and watched them fight. Eventually, Sapnap let Tommy have his seat back.

For the rest of the stream, Sapnap and Tommy talked and joked with each other, bringing more enthusiasm and energy to the stream. When Tommy ended the stream, he immediately turned around and hit Sapnap on the arm, scowling.

"God, I hate you so much," Tommy groaned, closing off the tab for his Twitch. "So much, I tell you!"

"Love you too," Sapnap responded playfully, ruffling his hair. "Now get dressed, we're going out in fifteen."

As Sapnap left the room, Tommy checked his Twitter, anxious as to how his fans would react. He didn't need to be nervous after all, because his feed was filled with supportive comments.

troubletwt: Fans of Sapnap and TommyInnit have coined this term for their community, after the two revealed themselves to be brothers in TommyInnit's latest livestream.
Disneyland Continuation: Fans want a continuation to the story about Disneyland that streamer Sapnap was telling about fellow streamer and brother TommyInnit.

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