[R] A Sick Day (Drista & Dream)

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(A/N: Thepoggest: could you do a sick fic off dream and Drista where Drista gets a really bad cold and dream is over protective and over whelmed
yeah sure. uhhhhh the whole sickness thing may be a little inaccurate idk. also I made up names for dream's other siblings so aha. also any correlation to actual names/usernames in here is all coincidental)

"For the last time, Dream, I'm fine," Drista said exasperatedly as she watched her brother run in and out of her room, carrying more and more things with him as he did so. "It's just a cold. It might be worse than last time, but it'll be over soon."

"Drista, you nearly fainted earlier because of it," Dream hissed, smoothing over the soft wool blanket he had gotten for her. "Have you taken your medicine yet?"

"I'm not an idiot, of course I have," Drista scoffed, frowning as Dream continued walking around. "You should take a rest too, idiot, you look dead on your feet."

"Why are you asking me to rest when you're the one with the bad cold here?"

"Well maybe if you didn't look like you needed it in the first place, I wouldn't be telling you to rest!"

"Well I'm telling you that you're wrong, and you need to rest, you absolute dumbass," Dream responded. "Come on, you need to sleep. Do you need soup? I can make soup."

"I'll be fine," Drista repeated. "Just give me my phone and I can talk to my friends or something, you don't have to hover around me all the time. Besides, don't you have to stream soon?"

"I can cancel it," Dream said stubbornly. Drista sighed and leaned her head back on her pillows, once again wondering how she managed to get stuck with a brother as stubborn as Dream.

"Look, you gotta stream for the fans, alright?" she said. "I'll be fine. If I get worse or something I'll call you or either Destiny or Drow. You go do your streamer thing or whatever. I'll be fine."

Dream still looked reluctant, but at least he was complying. "Alright, but if something happens..."

"...I'll call you," Drista finished. "Now go out there and start streaming, idiot."

The moment Dream was out of her room, Drista immediately reached for her phone, and opened YouTube.

The next few minutes were a blur of random YouTube videos she found on her recommended, browsing through all the fanart of her that she could find online, and chatting with her friends. At some point, though, it had become boring, so Drista decided to tune into Dream's stream.

The first thing she heard, upon entering the stream, was Dream shouting out, "WHAT THE HELL DOES HAVING AN A-SOCK EVEN MEAN?!" with Sapnap and George's laughter in the background. Stifling her own laughter, she typed in Dream's chat.

IlluminationwasDream: it means that ur an asshole :P

As expected, Dream saw her comment. "Drista, I can see you in the chat, and having an a-sock does not mean that I'm an asshole."

Drista laughed lightly as she watched Dream's chat burst into a flurry of 'DRISTA????' and asking what her username was. George and Sapnap were also curious.

"I'm surprised you could pick out your sister's username out of everything," George commented. Dream snorted.

"It's not that hard to spot her username. Plus, I gave her a sneaky role so that I could spot her easier," he replied.

Snickering, Drista typed something else into the chat.

IlluminationwasDream: yeah wtv just admit that u like me the most

"If anything, I hate you the most," Dream commented as he chopped some wood. She wasn't sure what he was doing that for, and he wasn't on his SMP, but then again, details like that didn't matter much anyways. "And aren't you supposed to be asleep right now? You're sick, you idiot. Go to bed."

Rolling her eyes, she typed out another response in chat.

IlluminationwasDream: fuck off im fine

IlluminationwasDream: ur just being too overbearing like the mom u are

"Wha- I'm not being your mom!" Dream spluttered. "Not that being the mom is anything bad, but you're literally sick, Drista. Go to bed before I come to your room and force you to sleep myself."

Well. Obviously, she wasn't going to listen. In fact, she was going to go to her brother's room herself and bother him.

With that idea in mind, she sat up and got out of bed, ignoring the slight headache and the nausea that had appeared when she did so. Switching off her phone and putting it on the nightstand, she slowly walked over to her brother's room, and was pleased to see that he had been keeping his door open. She tiptoed inside, being as quiet as possible.

She snuck behind him, slowly raising her hands before slapping them on his shoulders as loudly and harshly as possible, cackling at Dream's loud yelp and him whirling around to spot her. "What the hell, Drista?! Why are you here?!"

"What, am I not allowed to come into your room anymore?" she teased. Dream huffed, standing up to face her.

"Just because you're sick doesn't mean I can't hit you," he threatened. "Go to bed and rest, holy shit, how many times do I have to tell you. Don't make me drag you back."

Drista saluted him mockingly. "Alright, alright, I'll go rest and shit, don't get your nerves up in a twist."

"You better," Dream sighed, sitting back down and turning his attention back to his computer and stream. "Sorry guys, Drista was just being stupid and annoying. Anyways..."

Drista rolled her eyes. As she turned to walk back to her room, a sudden wave of nausea hit, far more dizzying and nauseating than the previous one. She dimly registered collapsing onto the floor, and Dream yelling something very loudly.

'Ah, fucking hell,' she thought, before her vision went black.

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