[R] Faceless Boys (Dream & Corpse)

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(A/N: request as a pic. 50k reads pogchamp :D! really glad a lot of you seem to like what I write aha- so for this event I thought I'd try writing a new character: corpse! uh hope you enjoy! sorry it's shorter than usual I really can't write these two characters aha)

Everyone knew there would be someone else joining the server. There wasn't much they knew about him, however; only Dream really knew much about him, but there were rumours floating around this 'Corpse' guy. He had a surprisingly deep voice that didn't match his appearance, and he was a faceless player, just like Dream and several other players out there.

Nobody expected how close Corpse and Dream would be, though.

"Uhhhhhh, guys?" Tubbo squinted at the pair in the distance. "Is- is it just me... or am I seeing Dream actually be nice for once?"

"It's not just you, Tubbo," Fundy confirmed, his voice sounding faint. "I... have we ever seen Dream that nice before? Like, being genuinely nice?"

"Ten bucks says he's only doing it to get the newcomer's trust," Quackity murmurs, peering down at the pair chatting in the spawn area. "I mean, the 'Corpse' guy looks kind of scary."

"Speaking of Corpse, weren't you supposed to be the one introducing him around the SMP?" Fundy asked.

"Well I was," Quackity rolls his eyes. "But then Dream just suddenly changed his mind and told me that he would be leading the guy around instead."

"Huh," Tubbo glanced at the pair again, who were both now smiling brightly as they started walking in the opposite direction of where him and the others were. "Well, it's not our business, and it's not our problem, so we should probably go do the things we actually need to do. How's the kill list coming along, Big Q?"

"This place is... nice," Corpse remarked quietly as he walked to the Community House with Dream, who let out a small chuckle.

"Well, I'm glad you like it," he said. "How are the others, by the way? How's Sykkuno doing? Or Rae? Or Toast?"

"They're all fine," the other responded. "I visited Sykkuno yesterday, actually."

"Oh? And what did you get up to?" Dream asked teasingly. "How was it like, being with Sykkuno? Were you guys... alone?"

"We, uh," Corpse stumbled over his words. "We didn't do..."

"I know you didn't, I was just teasing," Dream's voice grew softer. "But seriously though, did you have fun with him?"

"Yeah, I did," a small smile appeared on Corpse's face. "He was a nice host. He treated me to dinner, too. After that, we played a few rounds of Among Us with the usual people we play with, and I got to hug his dog, and we asked around the Rust server to just chat and for him to show me his newest project. It was fun."

When Dream reached to bump his shoulder in a show of camaraderie, however, Corpse flinched away, rubbing his shoulder lightly. "Uh, sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Hey, it's fine. I'm just looking out for you. Us faceless boys have to look out for each other, remember?" Dream said softly, patting the other on the back. "Relax, Corpse. I'm not going to do anything to you. I just want to chat with you about your day! Well, before-today days."

"They weren't really interesting, though?"

"Well, they don't have to be interesting. I just wanna hear what you've been doing."

"Oh," Corpse fidgeted slightly. "Uh, how about you take me on a tour around the SMP first? I mean, we aren't going to just sit here and..."

"Of course not!" Dream laughed, leading the other man out of the Community House. "Come on, I'll take you to the Holy Land, and then you can walk on the Prime Path for some extra luck. And maybe we can introduce you to some of the other members around here?"

"That sounds nice. Thanks."

"Hey, no problem! That's what friends do, and we're friends."

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