(🔘) Drabble Collection (Multiple)

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(A/N: haha have no solid ideas so I just dump a bunch of different ideas. but (I think) we reached the official 90 chapter mark pog! would've been 97 but I took a break that one time lol. if you want a continuation of any of these feel free to leave a request comment lmao)

death for the death god
They're your sons! the voices scream at him. Save them, you idiot! There's Tommy! Wilbur will die! Techno won't stop! Save them, your sons! They're yours!

Phil's grip on his sword tightens. For all that the voices have been nice and kind, whenever one of his sons get hurt, they'll all get into a frenzy trying to get him to help, ignoring the fact that he couldn't, and it would only cause more trouble if he did.

But then again, isn't that what he wants? It would be nice to watch the chaos god falter, for the first time in a while. Plus, it isn't like anyone would believe the witnesses.

The voices seem to agree with that statement. Four horsemen of the apocalypse! Death war famine pestilence! Death for the death god! Souls for the soul god! Dadza for the kill! Killza!

As he glances onto the battlefield once more, he coincidentally meets his youngest son's eyes. Tommy's eyes flash bright green, and Phil just knows his own eyes are flashing black in return.

"Alright, alright," he chuckles lowly, the words directed more to himself than his chat. "Whatever you say."

powerprince boys z (a/n: I am sorry in advance)
"Captain, Tubbo!" Crumb yelled as her senses picked up on something sinister. "I'm detecting a big presence of Black Z Rays in Brighton!"

The screens in the lab lit up, and Tubbo gasped at what he saw. "It's a mutated... hydroflask?"

"No matter what kind of bottle it is, it's still a danger to this city," Captain turned to Crumb. "Crumb, you know what to do!"

"Powerprince Boys, we need you!" Crumb yelled, her cat ears lifting up.

Meanwhile, in a high school in London, Sapnap, Dream and George were cheerily enjoying their school lunch break. Suddenly, their belts flashed red, green and blue.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," George groaned. Sapnap quickly scarfed down his food. Meanwhile, Dream ran over to another table, where his younger brother was sitting at.

"Tommy, I can't help you with homework, go to Tubbo okay? Great, thanks, bye!" Dream quickly ran away and with Sapnap and George, leaving a very confused Tommy and his friends behind.

When the Dream Team reached the rooftop, they immediately transformed into their alter egos, the Powerprince Boys, saviours of the city.

"Remind me why the costume included skirts again?" Dream hissed as he tried to smooth down the skirt. Sapnap rolled his eyes and flew up.

"No time to argue the reasoning behind why our costumes are these, we have to save the day!"

envy (lowercase intended)
envy is controversial.

you look at people like eret and tommy and niki, people so secure and safe in their gender, people who don't feel like the world is clawing at their bodies whenever they change. you desire that kind of security. you envy them.

whenever you try to call yourself by your name, it leaves a bitter tang in your mouth. the name doesn't feel right, doesn't fit well, and you hate the feeling of it. your hair is a mess, your sleeping schedule is nonexistent, and you rarely change out of oversized hoodies and baggy sweats and anything that would hide your body, because it feels like something's not there, like something's missing.

god, you hate it.

little sapling
Tubbo wasn't alright in that sort of place.

5up had met Dream before. They've played in a few games in Among Us: Open Edition. 5up and his fellow 'Imposters' enjoyed playing with the new players; loved watching them stumble around in their first few games, though they couldn't eat them since it was an open game, unlike the more dangerous and species-specific games 5up and his friends would play.

Dream was one of the few that had instantly caught his attention. He caught onto the rules of the game much quicker than normal players would. At first, 5up hadn't understood why. But after hearing about all the little, subtle manipulations Tubbo had unknowingly told him about, he knew why.

Tubbo — and by extension, all of the Dream SMP — was clueless to Dream's puppet strings. And from Tubbo's stories, it seemed as though the strings were currently focusing on Tubbo and his friend, two of the youngest members of the SMP. The youngest.

5up's kind may be brutal and cruel, but at least they had morals. What Dream was doing was going against all of it.

And for Tubbo's safety, 5up had to do something about it.

🔘 choices
"Go to hell, Countess," Finn snapped. "You cannot force me to make a decision about this."

"So you're admitting you are weak?" The Countess — if she could even be considered as one anyways — fanned herself, a critical eye looking them over. Finn gritted their teeth, nails digging into their palms.

"Better to be weak than to keep up a lie for a temporary victory," Finn shot back, grinning sharply as the Countess' mouth curled in anger. "So with all due respect — meaning none — kindly get out of my fucking office."

dragon's little treasure
"In my defence, I didn't expect him to be there!"

"You literally told me to always look around first before charging in the other day, Tommy," Tubbo emphasised his name as the older dug his feet into the dirt underneath. "God, I should kill you for this, you're so stupid."

"You can try, bitch," Tommy laughed. "I'll beat you in minutes!"

"See, you would probably look more dangerous," Wisp snickered as he walked forwards. "If there wasn't a dragon wrapping you around his tail right now."

Tommy spluttered and started squirming, but the dragon's tail only tightened around him. "Oh, fuck you!"

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