Wandering for L'manburg (Tommy & Multiple OCs)

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(A/N: hey aha sorry I couldn't fill any requests today but ellisinnit au brainrot so here have a small little oneshot that kind of relates to a fic I'll post soon. for context, ellis is tommy's adopted child in this au. ellis (they/them) has 3 friends: penelope (she/her), white (he/him, they/them), and jude (she/her). day, night & clementine are tommy's pets. ok that's it)

"Dad! I'm heading out!" Ellis calls, running out immediately after they hear their father's reply. They feel kind of bad for tricking him to thinking that they would just go hang out with their friends, but in their defence, it's not like they said any lies. They are going to hang out with their friends — by exploring and heading to their father's birthplace, that is.

Penelope, White and Jude are already waiting at the edges of the forest when they arrive, panting.

"You left the letter for him, right?" Penelope asks worriedly. "I don't want him to go into a worry..."

"Relax, it's fine!" Ellis laughs. "I left it on the table, and once he's done cooking for Day, Night, and Clementine, he'll see it, so we have to go quick."

"I still think this is a bad idea," White mumbles, twisting their hands together.

"Well, I mean, we'll come back before tomorrow, right guys?" Jude says. As she says that, she pulls down a string hanging beside her, and almost immediately, the makeshift elytra on her back opens up. The rest of them do the same.

Ellis' Dad had gotten the idea to create some makeshift elytras after Ellis had mentioned that they would like to feel how it's like to fly. They aren't like his apparent grandpa's wings — Ellis has heard their father say that Philza Minecraft's wings are much more bigger, and more natural — but they work fine enough.

They sneak off quietly, climbing up a hill where they'll soon take flight. Ellis glances at the gleaming sea, at the house that seems so far away from the hilltop view, and grins.

"Ready?" they ask. Shouts and voices of confirmation greet their question, and they grin brightly.

"Right, we head North! To L'manburg!" they cry out, before jumping off the hill, wings spreading out. Ellis soars above with the help of fireworks. Their friends are right behind them, and they can hear Penelope screaming for a while, before getting used to the feeling of flying. Despite having done this multiple times before, it still excites them whenever they fly; there's just something so soothing and freeing about it.

"How long d'you think we'll take to get there, White?" Jude calls, doing a small loop as she flies ahead of Ellis. Their flying turns into a small race of who can fly further ahead.

"About 20 minutes, maybe," White responds, leisurely flying beside Penelope, who seems to have a death-like grip on her string as she flies, when Ellis looks back to check. "Careful Jude, Ellis. Don't get ahead of yourselves."

"Are you sure Mr. Innit will check the table, though?" Penelope whispers. "I mean, isn't he... getting old?"

At that, Ellis can't help but let out a burst of snickers. "Oh man, Dad would be so angry if he heard you say that."

"Well, it's a valid concern," Penelope defends.

"Yeah, you're right Lopie!" Jude laughs. "Old man will need reading glasses soon!"

"Mr. Innit can still kick your butt, Jude," White reminds, firing off another firework, and Ellis sees him flying overhead them. "You haven't forgotten about his training, have you?"

As their friends bicker behind and above them, Ellis' communicator starts pinging loudly. Wincing, they open it up to see their father's whispers.

TommyInnit whispers to you: ELLIS

TommyInnit whispers to you: ELLIS WHERE ARE YOU

TommyInnit whispers to you: oh my god where did you go you said YOU WERE GIOAN HAPNAG OYT WITHY OUR FRIENDS!!

TommyInnit whispers to you: ellis i am getting worried please reply before I go murder someone I swear to fiC

Ellis winces at the whispers. They feel kind of guilty for making their father worried, but it's about time they got to explore the world for themselves. They've been hearing about L'manburg so much, and since they could, they're going to explore it. They don't need to be coddled anymore, they would be fine.

You whisper to TommyInnit: Dad!! I'm fine!!

TommyInnit whispers to you: THEN WHERE ARE YOU???

You whisper to TommyInnit: exploring :D

You whisper to TommyInnit: relax Dad!! I'll be home soon trust me

"Ellis, your wings!" they hear Penelope cry out, and they hastily put away their communicator to pull on the string to flap their wings, soaring up before they hit the ground.

"Whoops, sorry!"

"Don't worry us like that, idiot," White scowls, flying beside them idly.

"Yeah, we thought you were gonna die!" Jude whines, worry hidden in her tone as she soars below.

"Well I'm fine now," Ellis says, with a roll of their eyes. "Now come on, we should speed up. Dad just texted me and all, and I think he's going to fly over."

"We probably should've headed home," Penelope winces, but she fires off a firework to push herself forwards faster.

"But we're not gonna, because we're not passing up a time to visit Dad's home like this!" Ellis exclaims. "I mean, I kind of wonder how L'manburg is like after so long. Dad left it like, what? Two years ago? It must've changed!"

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