📎 Sing A Little Song (SBI)

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"Hey, chat!" Tommy crowed, beaming at his camera as his stream chat started speeding up, all excited to see him stream again after his disappearance. He was staying temporarily at his house's room, not that he would be staying for long, but he didn't want to make his stream worry about his 'family'.

Unlike his usual attire for streams, today he wore a dark red sweater and some long black pants. It made him look smaller than usual, and also made his chat spam 'Awws' more than usual, but that was fine. That was good, even.

"I know you're excited to see me start more wars and murder shit on the SMP, but today's a special stream," he grinned. "We're gonna have a non-Minecraft streams with the Sleepy Boys, chat! Isn't that exciting for you?"

He laughed, absentmindedly adjusting the purple bracelet around his wrist. According to Wilbur, it could help him control his voice even more. He wasn't exactly sure how it worked, but Wilbur promised him it would, and he would never lie to him. Besides, he wouldn't have to restrain his voice for long, anyway.

The chat went by so fast Tommy couldn't read anything. He snickered as he sent off the 'go' on Discord to the others, knowing they would be watching his stream.

"Now, you might be wondering: but TommyInnit! All you do is play Minecraft!" he leaned back on his chair. "And yeah, that is true, but there's something else, boys."

Reaching behind him, his lips curved up into a fond smile as he took out a guitar Wilbur had bought for him as they were driving back.

"Wilbur's been teaching me to play the guitar," he told his stream. "I'd play the piano for a music stream, but the piano's currently broken, so you'll just have to make do with the guitar for now."

"Are you trying to steal my thing, Tommy?" Wilbur's voice came through, making his stream chat go absolutely feral.

"You can play your shitty kazoo, old man," Tommy shot back, grinning as the others chuckled a little.

"Well, Tommy," Techno drawled. "Have you told your stream exactly, in basic terms, what we're going to do today?"

"I know, I know, you're such a bitch Technoblade," Tommy sighed. "Chat, we're doing a music stream today. I'm gonna be playing the guitar, Techno will play his stupid violin, Phil actually can play drums so he's gonna do that, and Wilbur's gonna be singing, even if he's shit at it. We're all gonna take turns singing too, since Wilbur's gonna be too old to be able to catch up."

"Oh, alright you little baby child," Wilbur started ranting indignantly as Phil wheezed, the sound of something thumping against the table coming from his side of the call.

"Alright, I am a very busy man and I don't have much time, so Wilbur can you stop talking for a while," Techno cut in flatly, though fondly, and Tommy burst out into loud laughter.

"Oh come on!" Wilbur whined. "What is this, bully Wilbur Soot day?"


Techno's deadpan statement made Tommy giggle brightly, watching his stream chat go by with 'Awws'.

Phil laughed. "Tommy, tell your chat to get hashtag Bully Wilbur Soot Day on trending number 1."

"If you guys can follow what Phil says we'll take song suggestions," Tommy added fuel to the fire, grinning as he refreshed Twitter and saw hundreds of tweets starting to pop up, all with the hashtag.

"Alright," Tommy cleared his throat. "For this first song Wilbur's gonna get his guitar too because it just makes sense. I think you can guess what song I'll sing next."

He shook off his bracelet, cleared his throat, and started strumming his guitar, the others slowly chiming in with their own instruments one by one.

"My keyboard's like my heart, it shines in R-G-B and it's full of blood..." he sang, letting his voice charm his audience, subtly encouraging them to spread the news about the stream and get more attention from others.

"I don't know what is wrong with me, but I'm scared, pissed off and lonely," Wilbur continued, humming along with his strumming.

Tommy smiled as he sang. For a while, he could forget about their mission. For a while, he could relax, do some social climbing, and spend time with his family.

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