🌱 Quest Rumour (iDots)

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(A/N: I know I'm putting a lot of these out rn, and I do apologise, but when I mean iDots, I'm referring to these people as a 'group': Skeppy, Bad, Mega, Finn, Zelk, Vurb, Spifey. Yes I know some of them technically aren't in the iDots, but it's easier to refer to them as iDots as a whole, so. Also, there's going to be a surprising combo here, even if it's only spoken about.)

When Mega storms into your dorm in fury, you know either Vurb, Skeppy or Spifey has done something. Or maybe a combination of either three of them. Either way, Mega is angry, and nobody, much less you, wants to deal with an angry Mega.

Mega points at Skeppy, who splutters in confusion. "What did I do?!" he shrieks, high-pitched.

Spifey snickers. Vurb lets out a little 'pfft'.

Mega's face twists in anger, and you know they're half-wishing they ever traded their voice for them and their friend's safety.

(Of course, Mega would never regret it. They had gotten caught up in some trouble, and you all know Mega would've traded their life had it not been for Halo and Spifey convincing him out of it, instead them taking the brunt of it, but all of you giving away something else in return.)

(The Void never bothers any of you again.)

Furiously, Mega begins signing. "Why the fuck did you tell everyone we were going on a Quest?"

"Wait, you told everyone we were what?" Zelk says incredulously, turning to Skeppy.

Skeppy's face, however, shows only confusion. "I didn't spread anything! I'm just as surprised as you guys!"

"We can't back out of it either," Mega continues to sign. "It's spread through campus already, and the weekly meeting's already been cancelled."

"Shit," you say, running a hand through your hair, which is long for today. It is part of what you've traded for safety, and you don't mind it as much as the others do with their own trade offs. "We're so fucked."

"Language," Halo, who has been staying silent for the whole conversation, finally speaks up. "But Evergreen's right. It's not like we can just pretend we did; the rules of a Quest are strict. So the only option..."

"...is to find a Quest for ourselves." Skeppy finishes.

It's a dark thought. You've all sworn off going on Quests ever since your last. Too much trauma, too much memories both repressed and open, only a few of them good, lie in your previous Quests.

"Wait," Vurb suddenly speaks up. For all he pretends to be stupid and toe-sucking, you know him all-too-well to know that this time, he's being serious. "Skeppy, you said you didn't spread the Quest rumour, right?"

"No I didn't!" Skeppy throws his hands up. "I'd never spread a rumour like that."

"Then that could be our 'Quest'," Vurb says, eyes bright. "Finding out who had the balls to spread a rumour of this scale about us, of all groups."

"How would that work, though?" Spifey asks. "I mean, since everyone's convinced it was Skeppy who spread it?"

"Yeah, well, see," Vurb says. "For that, we're gonna need a Watcher. More specifically, the Watcher."

You stiffen. So do everyone else. You all know which Watcher he is talking about.

"You can't be serious," Halo speaks up, fully white eyes narrowed. "To get to that Watcher, you'd have to talk to one of his friends first."

"I know, and I've thought it through," Vurb smiles, and you know whatever he's about to say next would be a surprise. "But don't we all know someone who has ties to that Watcher? One of the only three members of the Hermitcraft group who stayed? Blonde hair?"

Oh, you all know who he is talking about.

"False-Symmetry," Zelk says. "You're kidding."

"Okay, listen-" Vurb starts.

"There won't be any listening," Zelk snaps back. You wince at his words. After all, he and False did have some history, even if it doesn't seem that they would ever have one. "We're not working together with her. Nope, no way."

"I agree with Zelk," Spifey says over the two's bickering. "Are you really just going to ignore her and Zelk's, uh, history?"

"History is an understatement," you mutter.

(And it really is. You don't even know the full details, but you know enough.)

Of course, because you are the Idots, your whole group eventually goes into shouts and fights. You guys are idiots after all. Including you, which is probably why you're participating as well.

Finally, Mega claps their hands loudly. And bangs their hands on the table, silencing everyone.

"Listen," Mega signs, a scowl on their face. "Obviously if we were given a chance, we would literally not go meet False-Symmetry. But you can't deny it, Zelk; we need her."

"If it helps," Halo says, a gentle look in his eyes (and how he does it, you'll never know), "You don't have to be the one talking to her."

Zelk's face twists. Spifey scoots closer, and pats his back soothingly. Finally, Zelk sighs, and looks up.

"Fine," he says. "We'll go meet her."

Mega nods. They turn to you. "Evergreen?" they sign.

"I know," you sigh. With one hand, you take out your phone, and begin texting False, everyone watching as you do so. You have her number because of the few group projects you partnered up with her in. Finally, you put it down.

"She agrees," you say, and the words feel like a gear not meant to be turned being, well, turned. "We're meeting her in five."

You wonder if it's worth it to go along with the false rumour. But there's no backing out now.

The Idots are going to find out who spread that rumour, and none of you are holding anything back.

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