Everyone Needs A Fake-Dating AU (Fundy & Dream)

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(A/N: this is an attempt. the focus is not super on fundywastaken but instead, like, everything else?? sorta?? they're not actually dating lmao. also i have taken creative liberties with some people's pasts. they might not be real tho.
why do I keep making non-british characters british royalty? that's a question for all of us to not know, including me.
British monarchy please don't hurt me-)

When Fundy accepted that call from Dream at 1 in the afternoon, he was expecting a lot of things. A plan he had for the Dream SMP. Some post he was about to make to fuel the FundyWasTaken shippers (yes, he'd seen the fanart and the fanfics). Maybe even a potential video collaboration.

He was not expecting what came out of Dream's mouth, however.

"So," a short laugh. "Because of all the fans, my parents are now thinking that we are actually dating. And nothing I say is changing their mind, because they think I'm just trying to be a 'good boyfriend' and 'defend my shy lover'."

Fundy blinked once, mildly surprised. "I mean, I'm kinda proud that we managed to be so convincing, but what's the problem?"

"...You haven't seen the news yet?"

"No? Wait, I'm checking it now."

Fundy quickly opened up the Google app on his phone, only to nearly drop it at the glimpse of the title of a news article he had seen. Hastily, he clicked on it, and did drop his phone when he saw the full title, and the first paragraph of the news article.

Crown Prince of Britain dating Minecraft YouTuber and Coder
Tessa Wright

24 OCT 2020 — When it was announced that our Crown Prince was actually the Minecraft YouTuber going by the name of DreamWasTaken, it was surprisingly not the top news of Britain. No, because that title officially goes to the news that our Crown Prince is, in fact, dating a Dutch Minecraft YouTuber and coder going by the name of Fundy......

"...Dream, what the fuck?"

"Yeah, uh, so do you mind sending your address over? My parents are sending a chauffeur to pick you up and fly you to Britain, where they may or may not want to have dinner with you to see if you'd be a good fit for me...?"

"Dream, with all the feeling in my heart, what the fuck?"

So, as it turned out, Dream was not joking.

Fundy sat awkwardly on a seat way too comfortable for someone like him, while Dream sat beside him, smiling nervously at his father's persistent questions while his mother tried to hold him back. Drista was seated on the opposite end, snickering quietly. Dream's other siblings would've been here too, but apparently they had business in other countries.

Which is good, because Fundy would not be able to handle all of the royal family of Britain judging him and his every move.

"Calm down, Fundy," Dream told him, green eyes shining. And Fundy didn't think he'd be one of the few people to know what Dream looked like, but he'd been proven wrong a lot today.

"Fundy," Dream's father was very loud. Not at TommyInnit-levels of loud, but close enough. "What are your intentions with my son?"

'If I die here I'm not giving Dream my channel,' Fundy thought, before smiling in a hopefully-not-strained way, hoping desperately to survive the dinner.

Against all odds, he had somehow managed to survive the dinner.

But apparently, Fundy had been making a lot of wrong assumptions today, because the biggest enemies weren't Dream's parents. No, the biggest enemies were their own friends. And fans, but they didn't really pass his mind right now.

"169 missed calls — nice —, over ten thousand notifications from Twitter and a thousand from Discord, 435 unread texts," Fundy's voice cracked midway. Dream let out a little chuckle, despite the situation they were currently in.

"Hey, at least you can buy fancy things for yourself?" the blond offered. They were alone, together, in Dream's room. There were a few bodyguards outside to guard them and, in Drista's crude words, 'make sure they don't have sex or something'.

"I'm pretty sure if I tried, your parents would kill me," Fundy replied without taking his eyes off his phone. "Oh my god, Wilbur sent me half of those unread texts by himself, what the fuck-"

"We should probably call them," Dream mused, already pulling out his laptop and keying in his password. "We can call from my Discord."

Fundy groaned as he heard the sound of a Discord call. The call connected.

"FUNDY!" Wilbur's loud voice instantly came through, making the two men wince. "DREAM! You never told us you were dating!"

"Dream, what the hell?" George's voice came through next, soon followed by Sapnap's loud yell of, "You're a fucking Prince?"

"It's not like I could've told you," Dream defended himself.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that your parents, the King and Queen of Britain, have seen me try to eat mud off of your face!" George shrieked.

Everyone in the call burst into laughter.

"Yeah okay, but can we pay attention to the most important thing here?" Wilbur spoke up over the laughter. "Like, y'know, how Fundy and Dream are dating? And never told us?"

"We're not dating, Wilbur," Fundy rolled his eyes, even though he knew they couldn't see him. "Everyone just thought we were because of the videos we've made."

"Sure, sure," Wilbur didn't sound like he believed him.

Fundy and Dream shared a look, before sighing in tandem. It looked like it'd be harder to convince their friends about the truth...

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