Calm in the Gardens (Fem!Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: excerpt from a fic I'll never publish. anyways, it takes place in the same universe as chapter 3, but it happens before that chapter, and that's all you need to know for now.
also!! thank you so much for 30k reads & 1k votes!)

The gardens are absolutely beautiful. The scent of nature in the air is light and airy, and Tommy breathes it in as she takes in the view before her.

The gardens are huge, spanning over half the whole back of the castle. There's a pond in the middle of a huge flower field, and Tommy admires the little fishes swimming in it. There's a few trees placed here and there, artfully so that it brings out the whole natural feel of the garden. Hedges and bushes with berries run along the sides of the garden walls. Little butterflies flutter around lightly.

The bees are what distracts Tubbo. Their hives are placed in a corner of the gardens as a whole, and the last time she's seen him, he was cooing at the bees, rambling about his day to them. He's always done that sort of stuff.

There are so many types of flowers she doesn't even know all of their names, but one she can clearly recognise are the blood roses. Named after the Bloodied God that the king himself is descended from, the flowers would only bloom every red moon. They're also one of Tommy's favourite flowers, along with yellow gladioli and alstroemerias.

Tommy sits in front of the pond, her dress pooling on the fresh grass around her. Tubbo's somewhere near her, having wanted to stay and play with the bees for some more. Niki had left them alone for the time being, after being called for a meeting or two by a servant.

She lets out a soft breath, simply staring at the fishes that swim in the pond. She wonders how Fundy is doing.

'He must be having fun,' she muses. 'Or at the very least, meeting Oakley again.'

She wants to go search for him, but at the same time, she doesn't want to get lost and wind up somewhere she doesn't want to be, and she doesn't think she's authorised to go anywhere else right now, not without someone older and more experienced with her, anyways.

There's a certain part of her that wants to lash out at the security; it wants to pick a fight and bare her teeth in a snarl at anyone who dares to try and control what she does. She doesn't know where it comes from, how it appeared, only that it started when she was young and has never really gone down. She wants to snarl and have blood on her knuckles and bruises and fight-

But then she sees Tubbo out of the corner of her eye, sees how happy he is here, and she thinks of Fundy and his job, how he'll be able to afford more things for himself now, and she stays quiet. Silent. Abiding.

She can follow the rules for however long it takes, if it makes those she cares about happy.

She sits there for a while, just kind of letting her mind drift away until someone calls her or something happens. She perks up when she hears rustling nearby.

It's coming from a bush nearby her. She looks at Tubbo, who doesn't seem to notice it, before she starts towards the bush, her curiosity overtaking her common sense.

Surprisingly, instead of stumbling headfirst into a wall and potentially knocking herself out, she instead finds herself stumbling out to an open field, tripping and falling down face-first.

"Seven fucking-" she curses, pushing herself upwards into a sitting position, grimacing as she wipes the dirt and grime from her face.

She hears footsteps, and she looks up, half-ready to lunge her head forward to hit whoever it is, only to lock her own blue eyes with a pair of dark green ones.

She looks higher, and sees the shack of blond hair, most of it hidden by a green and white striped bucket hat.

The person standing before her is Philza Green. And he most likely saw her fall down like an absolute idiot. And also possibly stumble out of the bush.

Well, fuck.

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