r/RelationshipAdvice (Fundy-centric)

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(A/N: I'm sobbing what are these ages what the fu- also modern day au dream smp but I hate it and it's very bad. don't know why the formatting is so shit upped I'm so sorry)

r/RelationshipAdvice from u/treasureplanetfox- My (19M) family is having a family dinner, and my boyfriend (21M) is coming. What do I do?

Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend, really. It's just... here's the catch: Before you make any decisions, you first have to know my family line, which according to some of my friends, is 'fucked up so bad the devil will shrink in fear of it'.

My grandfather has three sons, who I will be calling Dad, T1, and T2. There is also T3, who according to my grandfather, was found in a box on the side of the road, and they just took him in. Keep in mind that I am actually older than T2 and T3 by like, 2 or 3 years.

Dad had a relationship with my Mom, who was apparently a fisherwoman who lived near the sea. They had me, and then Mom died, so Dad brought me back home. Then, he and T2 decided to both work at the same company, and for whatever reason, decided to start a company in the company itself. No, don't ask me how it works. Anyway, that succeeded, and ever since then Dad has been kind of neglecting me in favour of T2 and T3.

Now, what might be the problem with my boyfriend, you may ask. Well, for one, we are working in opposing companies, and he's actually the head of the company my Dad and T2 are working in. For another, I'm going to give a shortened list of what else he has done, and you will not get context because with context you will find out my identity.

So, my boyfriend has: nearly killed T2, bribed one of the head figures of my Dad's 'company' into betraying it for a higher rank in his own company, played a part in my Dad's descent into madness (although to be fair, I played a pretty big part as well), gave Dad bombs to blow up the base of his former 'company' (for background information: they held an 'election' after a few months to see who would get the company and were planning to rig the election, but then other people applied and the winner kicked out Dad and T2. The winner also forced T1 to nearly kill T3, to which T1 did that and also nearly killed like 14 other people), and nearly killed at least 15 people, including me.

Additionally, after all's been said and done, Dad now has specific amnesia (where he forgets certain things and remembers others, but vaguely), and he's showing a pretty keen interest in books now. Also, remember that guy who betrayed my Dad's former 'company'? Yeah, since I'm technically an orphan now as my Dad really isn't fit to take care of me anymore, he (who I will be calling E) wants to adopt me, and make me the heir to his own, new company.

So now my family consists of: my grandfather who kind of doesn't want me, my bloodthirsty uncle (T1) who really isn't on good terms with anyone, my uncle (T2) who is younger than me and also constantly angry, my amnesiac Dad who I'm not exactly on good terms with, looking at all the neglect he's shown me, and my potential father (E) who has unofficially adopted me who is not on good terms with T2m but he does try. T3 doesn't count because he's not really in the family.

And I have to bring my boyfriend, who all of my family absolutely loathes to the family dinner. I love him, really, and I know he reciprocates my affections since I stopped a demon from possessing him permanently (it was a dreamon, and yes if you search it up it is on the government's list for dangerous animals or something) through the power of love. It's just that I can't see this family dinner ending in anything but a near death experience.

So, what do I do? Please help. No trolls.

EDIT 1: for some extra information, my Dad has flirted with my boyfriend before, multiple times. My grandfather said he doesn't want a 'furry shit' as a grandson, and he also stuck a sword through my Dad's stomach and nearly killed him. The family member I trust the most is actually T2, despite his personality. T1 isn't a serial killer or a murderer, so stop asking. My boyfriend's company is pretty powerful, and I won't say anything more than that.

EDIT 2: Don't worry we all went to the hospital after all those near-deaths. No, none of us are murderers. No, we're not wanted in the law. Yes, I hate my Dad. Yes, I know my family's dysfunctional as fuck. Yes, I still (sort of) love them. No, we can't get the law involved for many reasons, one of which is that the government's afraid of my uncle T1.

u/synderwidth: op quick question what the fuck is your family why is it so fucked
up are you like okay there???
-> u/treasureplanetfox: do I look like I know??

u/encomrante: my honest suggestion? get out of that family. alsoo not to shit
on your relationships but are you sure that's healthy?
-> u/treasureplanetfox: Im going to be perfectly honest with you, my relationship with my boyfriend
is like the second or third healthiest relationship in our whole friend/companies

u/advicefairy: I'm usually the person who gives out the best advice according
to everyone else, but by god I really don't think I could give a good enough
advice for this. Have you considered getting therapy for your whole group or
whatever you call it? Because I honestly think that's the best way to start it off with.
-> u/treasureplanetfox: half of my group has too much pride to go to therapy. also, normal
therapists would probably have no idea what to with my fucked up
family dynamics and shit. the best person we have is my Dad's
ex-girlfriend (who he had after my Mom died), and we can't rely on
her too often because she has her own problems too.

-> u/treasureplanetfox: did you know I had to hack into your account to give it more
protection? if the government decides to reveal us I'm blaming

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