[R] Wing Buddies (Quackity & Phil)

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(A/N: ramenbitch (ao3): could you maybe do a quackity centric where he is a duck hybrid and philza finds out about quackitys wings
yeah sure why not. this is based off a mini comic I saw on tumblr so if it seems familiar it's based off that)

Quackity had always been the runt of his nest. He was a small child from the start, and it didn't help that everyone else in his nest of his age was at least one and a half times his size, height, and weight. That size difference also transferred to their wings, unfortunately.

As everyone grew up with their wings big and wide, his was still stuck as small and thin, not even able to hold his own weight. While everyone glided across the sky, he was stuck on the ground, looking enviously with his duck wings fluttering on his back.

At twelve, he absolutely hated it, and did everything in his power to make them grow. At nineteen, he'd already accepted his fate: to forever have his wings be small and remain flightless.

True, his wings did grow a bit. But compared to every other bird hybrid's wings at the same age of him? It was like comparing the size of a rat to the size of a cat: his wings were just so small compared to literally everyone else's.

So he'd accepted it. He learned to live and thrive with it. Didn't mean he couldn't feel envious or jealous.

As he strolled through L'Manburg with his wings out for once in many, many months, he found himself thinking about what it would feel like to fly. By chance, he had wandered near the docks, and spotted Phil standing near the edge.

Phil was, coincidentally, stretching out his wings. His huge, wide, absolutely beautiful black wings. Quackity recognised the wings to be a pair of vulture's, although what species exactly he wasn't sure. Even so, he didn't need to know what species Phil's wings were to appreciate some really pretty wings.

"Man," Quackity sighed. His own little yellow duck wings fluttered upon seeing the large black wings being spread out, the shining diamond patterns on the edges of it gleaming in the sunlight. "I wish I had wings like that."

"You what?"

Quackity blinked and let out a small screech as Phil went from being quite a few feet away to suddenly right there, in front of his face. The huge black feathers were spread wide out, and now that they were so close, they seemed just as imposing as they were majestic.

"H-hey, Phil," he stammered nervously. "Holy shit, you're uh, you're pretty close, buddy..."

Phil stepped back a few steps, but didn't make any further moves to fly away or to do other things. "What did you just say?" he questioned him.

Quackity winced. "I, uh, I said I wished I had wings like... yours..." his voice drifted off quietly towards the end of his sentence.

"You have wings, too?" Phil's eyes brightened up. Quackity nodded, sheepishly, and slightly embarrassedly.

"Well, yeah," he said. "But they're not anything interesting, really. They're much smaller compared to yours. And- and I can't fly with them or anything, really."

Phil was quiet. "...show me?"

Quackity looked around nervously, gulped, and sighed. "Alright, but you can't- you can't laugh, alright?"

"I won't laugh, mate," Phil's tone was sincere. "I mean, everyone's wings start off small."

Quackity took a deep breath, and spread out his little wings. His wings fluttered nervously when Phil just stood there and said nothing.

"Uh, Phil? Are you gonna-"

He was enveloped in a crushing hug before he could finish his sentence. Phil's wings shifted to cover them, and Quackity gasped softly at the feeling of really, really soft wings brushing against him. Despite how much he wanted to, he resisted the urge to slump back and relax, and just stood there welcoming the hug instead.

"Who told you that you couldn't fly?" Phil sighed, stepping back. "They're perfectly fine, mate."

"They're too small," Quackity frowned, his wings shifting restlessly. "And if it's too small, it can't hold up my- my fat ass, y'know?"

"Some duck wings are small too," Phil responded. "But if you flap them fast enough, you can lift yourself up."

"That's not true."

Phil grinned, holding out a hand. "Would you like me to prove you wrong?"

Quackity stared at the hand. Hesitantly, slowly, and against his better judgement, he reached out and took it, gripping it tight. Phil's widening grin made him offer a hesitant smile in return.

"Then get ready, mate," and Quackity had no warning before they took off.

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