Sleepy Boys and Girls (SBI-centric)

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(A/N: pushing the genderbending agenda and pushing it HARD. anyway have good big sister phoebe (phil) and gremlin lil sister thea (tommy) with exasperated older brother wilbur & tired younger brother techno haahahh-)

When Phoebe Pandel checked the news about the weather, she instantly knew how her siblings would react.

"I have news," she clapped her hands, smiling as all three of their heads turned to her at the same time, despite what they were doing.

"What is it?" Wilbur asked. Thea bounced anxiously from where she had her Switch on her lap.

"Is something wrong?" she questioned. Techno didn't say anything, but Phoebe could see the silent question in his eyes. She chuckled.

"Good news, it looks like since the rain's too heavy," Phoebe announced, "You don't have school today!". She smiled as her younger siblings cheered loudly, Wilbur even going so far as to lift up Thea as they both hollered and yelled in excitement. Techno sat on the couch, a rare big smile on his face. Phoebe knew he needed the break from school, especially what with the amount of homework and extra work he had been given by from the the teachers.

'I should speak to them one day,' Phoebe mused as she went to go make brunch for her siblings. 'Maybe at the next parent-teacher conference. Techno needs to stop accepting and getting so much work anyway; it's not good for him.'

She could hear the sounds of Wilbur, Techno and Thea setting up UNO for them to play, the first of many games they would be playing. It had been a long time since they all got to enjoy a game night with each other, as Phoebe's schedule got more busy and the other three got more homework and revision.

She hummed as she took out the tray of cookies, long hair tied into a bun as she laid the cookies to cool for a while. As she did so, she prepared some drinks for all of them. Coffee for Techno, banana juice for Thea, and water for herself and Wilbur.

Her coworkers at her job would teasingly call her a stay-at-home-mom, but really, she's just taking care of her siblings. Especially since none of them can cook anything more than instant ramen noodles and the one specific muffin recipe.

"The food's ready!" Phoebe shouted, watching as Thea practically darted across the room, gasping at the cookies. "Wash your hands first!"

Techno helped her bring the food to a side table that they dragged near the playing area. Wilbur munched on a piece of cookie as he shuffled the cards, trying not to get any crumbs on them. Once he was done, he placed them down in front of where Phoebe would sit.

"Alright," Phoebe sat down next to the table. "I'll distribute the cards."

Wilbur slammed down his card, which was a red '5'. "Uno!" he cried triumphantly, a big smile on his face.

His smile, however, dropped when Techno put down a red '7', calmly taking a small sip of his coffee before calmly calling, "Uno."

Thea put down a blue '7', frowning all the while at her 9 cards. Phoebe looked at her own collection of cards, and snickered. Wilbur spotted her, and shook his head in desperation.

"Phoebe, no," he whispered. "Phoebe, no. Don't you dare."

She snickered, eyes never leaving his as she put down her +4 card. "Red," she called, turning away briefly to meet Techno's thankful expression, before switching back to Wilbur, whose face was slowly turning horrified. "Wilbur, draw 4."

"Oh you bastard!" he screamed, tackling Phoebe. As the two went down, Techno calmly put down his red '6' while Thea threw down her cards, mumbling about the unfairness of it all.

Once Phoebe managed to pry Wilbur off of her and coax him to stop pouting, they decided to stop playing UNO and start playing Monopoly instead.

The first round, Phoebe won, but only because Wilbur rolled a scuffed roll. Thea had to stop Wilbur from jumping on Phoebe again, while Techno quietly collected the money back, occasionally egging on the fight.

The second round, it was a tie between Techno and Thea, to which they argued about it before Wilbur decided to throw himself at them to stop them from arguing any further. They had to take a break to get the bandages before going again.

They were just going through their third round of Monopoly, when Thea yawned loudly.

The other three paused. "Are you tired, Thea?" Phoebe asked.

Thea spluttered. "What, of course not! The great Thea-" her sentence was cut off by another yawn, and the youngest sister scowled as they all laughed.

"Alright, Phoebe chuckled, "Techno, Wilbur, go clean up the board. Thea, get the pillows put carefully. I'll get the blankets."

She walked up the stairs to where their bedrooms were. She made sure to grab their fluffiest blankets before heading down, only to be treated to an adorable sight.

Thea was squished in between Techno and Wilbur. The floor had been cleaned up and the game was put onto the side table. Thea was already fast asleep, with Techno looking close to joining her. Only Wilbur was awake, but he too looked like he needed to sleep.

"Hey," Phoebe whispered, handing a blanket to Wilbur as she covered Thea and Techno in the blankets, before shuffling next to Wilbur. "It's okay, you can rest."

"Food?" Wilbur mumbled, snuggling deeper into his blanket.

Phoebe chuckled. "Go to sleep," she whispered warmly. "We can order takeout later."

She hummed a lullaby to her siblings as they all slept soundly, before drifting off to the sound of the rain hitting against the windows lightly, surrounded by her family.

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