📎 Secrets (Phil-centric)

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The man slumped to the ground, blood dripping out of his forehead.

Phil paid no further attention to him, and continued to walk down the hallway of the facility, a keycard held lightly in his hands, holding a grocery bag in his other hand.

Today was one of the few days where they had decided to do their own things separate from each other. Tommy had left to go hang out at Tubbo's house. Wilbur was busy making up a new song to feed the fans and hopefully gain more. Techno was working on a video with Skeppy and Bad. With nothing left to do, Phil decided to get a head start on something he had been wanting to do, but never actually had the time to do so.

There were several other compounds which were all based off the same company that had managed to change him and the rest of the Sleepy Boys. After a lot of research, Phil had managed to find out where one was located, and decided to head in there to destroy it and take their secrets and documents.

Since it was in such a secluded place, it meant that Phil could stop pretending to be fully human. He hummed as his wings fluttered and beat the air in excitement and energetically.

Obviously, he had to make sure no one escaped to tell anyone, which was why he killed all of them.

He had taken care of any and every living organism in the facility, and even made sure to destroy the security cameras and download all the security footage to a flashdrive before destroying the original. And now, he was going around collecting the papers about the research and experiments they had done, as well as any and all documents they had. He was almost done with that, and once he finished, he could go back and spend time with his boys again.

The door to a room labelled '4-5' was ripped off its hinges. Phil walked through the hole, wings curling in and out to fit through it. The was the last room, and he was antsy to get back home as soon as possible to make sure what was His was safe and sound. As he scoured through the papers, he stated singing as a way to fill in the silence.

"A hearse for the boy with his body drowned in lies,
Some peace for the girl with a notebook and a bloody knife,
Hear ye, hear ye, hear their words,
For their spirits still roam the valleys of the Sun."

As he sung, his halo glowed brighter. To anyone else, it would be a clear sign that something was wrong, or something had happened. But for Phil, whose eyes had been changed so that any bright light, no matter how bright exactly, wouldn't bother him, it didn't make a difference to him. He continued with his song.

"A bouquet of rings for the lover with dark eyes,
A crown of crystals for the ruler with a sword in their back,
Hear ye, hear ye, hear their tales,
For their spirits still wander the valleys of the Sun."

He was about to shove the last of the papers when he spotted a name, scrawled in huge, black letters on one of the more important papers.

Dr. Heins Langenberg

'Langenberg...' Phil frowned. 'Isn't that Fundy's last name? And didn't he say his father was a doctor for some top secret project?'

He made a mental note to ask him about it, putting the last of the papers into his full bag. Now that he was done, he didn't feel a need to stick around, so he casually burst through the wall, ignoring the rubble behind him as he walked until he was in a clear area, far from anyone who could spot him.

As he left the facility with a flap of his wings, he hesitated, simply floating in the air. He thought he'd heard something...

Phil shook his head, and took flight. It was probably just the wind. Besides, he didn't have time for that; he had to get back to his boys as soon as possible.

"And if you ever find yourself twisted and turned,
Follow the trail of humanity to find the Ghost of the Valley."

(A/N: hello hello if you have an idea that you wanna read about for this series please comment it I am running out of ideas and my mind has only been filled with ideas for Tanzanite (which is only on my ao3 acc) for like the last 2 days so yknow...... gimme some ideas fellas)

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