[R] CosplayInnit (Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: request as a pic. im not tryna feminise or fetishise boys in skirts or anything pls don't read it like that!! uhh he's cosplaying a random from mha because I am not creative in the slightest :'D anyways if this crosses any boundaries or offends anyone please do inform me. changed a few things abt this prompt, nothing too evident)

"Come on, man, just turn on your face cam for us!"

"Now when you put it like that, Big Q, it only makes me not want to turn it on even more!"

Tommy was currently having a big problem. He was streaming on the Dream SMP with Tubbo, Wilbur, Quackity, and Dream, and they were all having a chill time with each other. It was supposed to be a normal stream.

Only, it wasn't, because for once in a very long time, Tommy didn't have his face cam on. That fact was almost immediately noticed by the hundreds and thousands of viewers who had come to watch his stream, and though the chat had been filled with questions about his lack of face cam, Tommy still hadn't answered them.

The others, however, were very much intent on getting him to put his face cam back on.

"Did you just decide to wear something embarrassing back there, Tommy?" Dream said amusedly. "You know we won't judge. Probably."

Tommy shifted in his seat, hyperaware of the skirt brushing against his legs. Yes, a skirt.

Because he, TommyInnit, had the splendid idea of cosplaying up as a character in My Hero Academia, while he had to stream in five minutes. So with not enough time to remove his makeup, his clothes and his wig before having to start the stream, and not willing to delay another stream after 5 days of no streaming, he had to sit in his chair, not put his face cam on, and stream. All the while wearing his My Hero Academia cosplay.

Yeah, it wasn't his best 10,000 IQ moment.

"You know, we probably shouldn't force him if he doesn't want to do it," Wilbur cut through everyone else's voices. "Tommy can- he can be in control of his own streaming ideas, or whatever."

"Oh, sorry about that one Tommy," Dream spoke up sincerely. "Do you want us to stop?"

"No, no, I'm just-" Tommy cut himself off with a sigh. "Look, how about this? If someone donates... uh, Tubbo, give me a number."

"Five hundred?" Tubbo responded back quickly, and Tommy snorted at the absurd number. "Wait- no-"

"Too late now, Tubbo," he snickered. "If someone donates 500 dollars within the next ten minutes, I'll put my face cam back on."

Unsurprisingly, someone did, in fact, donate 500 dollars to his stream. It was even donated with the caption of 'Show us'. The call got pretty loud after he told them what happened.

Tommy sighed as he started setting up his camera. On one hand, part of him wanted to back out, but on the other, he couldn't just leave his fans and friends hanging like that. They wanted an answer, and Tommy would have to give an answer to them.

"Okay, are you guys looking at my stream?" he said, readying his face cam. Affirmative mumbles and calls responded to his question, and he let out a shaky breath, before turning his face cam on.

In some weird trance state, he leaned back, a nervous smile on his face, pushing his chair backwards just enough to show the skirt he was wearing, before scooting back forwards.

There was dead silence from the call. Tommy tried not to squirm too much around, fully aware of how he must look. While cosplaying wasn't exactly problematic, it was still pretty embarrassing for him to show that he was a cosplayer. It wasn't bad or anything, and he definitely wasn't embarrassed to cosplay, he was just kind of scared to how everyone else would react. Not everybody shared the same views as him, after all.

"Holy shit," surprisingly, Quackity spoke up first. "I, uh, fucking hell. I wasn't expecting to see you in... that."

"Yeah, yeah," Tommy huffed out. "Now can we just get back to the stream? We don't have to make a big deal out of this or anything."

Unfortunately, he could see the chat going wild, and let out a sigh. Well, there went his hopes for a normal stream.

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