[R] Adult on Adult Violence (Dream SMP)

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(A/N: request as a pic. uhh i purposefully made sure that the creeps' ages are vague, but they're older than the group of 4 mentioned by name. also, didn't really include the latter part of the prompt, sorry!
tw: lots of creepy shit said to the kids, brief mention of violence towards the end.
hope you enjoyed!)

Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled, and Ranboo all laughed with each other as they weaved through the extremely busy path.

This year, TwitchCon had started up again, and they, along with all of the Dream SMP, were invited to go. Of course, some of them couldn't make it, but for the most part, almost all of them were there.

The four had split off from the main group a while ago, wanting to explore the place by themselves while waiting for their panel to start. Surprisingly, no one had noticed or recognised them yet, but maybe that was just because they were in a very busy place.

"Oh, look, it's them!" all four of them turned around when they heard someone yell. They spotted a group of men making their way towards them.

"Yeah! There's Tommy, there's Tubbo, there's Ranboo, and... who's that random with them?"

"Whatever, we don't care about him anyways. The others are right there, we could just ignore them."

Purpled's smile dropped, and he simply shifted nervously as the men moved closer to them.

Tommy frowned as he moved closer to give Purpled some comfort, but he didn't get the chance to, because one of the men grabbed him by the arm and dragged him closer to them.

Naturally, he hit them away, and made his way back to Purpled with a scowl. "Sorry, who are you?" he forced out politely.

"Who are- we're tier three subs of yours!" one of the men exclaimed, not even apologising for grabbing him. Nobody looked at them as he continued. "We were really excited to see you all here, actually. Flew in all the way from over the world, too."

"You all have been really inspiring and cool," another one said. "Although, it's a shame that Ranboo's still hiding his face. I would've loved to see how you look like."

"Well, I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet," Ranboo laughed nervously.

"Aww, a shame," the same man pouted, an action that looked really weird on him. "Whenever you're ready, feel free to give me a call, yeah?"

"Okay, we should probably-" Purpled tried to speak, but then one of the men stepped forwards and interrupted him.

"Oh wow, you're prettier in real life than from a screen," one of the men said, sounding surprised, even as he tugged Tubbo towards him. Tubbo winced, and tried to move away, but the man wouldn't let him. "Ooh, and your skin's softer, too."

"Look, we appreciate your uh, tier three subs and all," Ranboo stepped forwards, trying to defuse the situation. "But our panel's starting soon, and we have to leave soon, so if you don't mind letting Tubbo go-"

"The panel can wait," another guy interrupted. "We paid so much money to come and see you guys, and this is how you treat us? You're lucky we're so forgiving."

Before Tommy could do something that would most likely get him thrown out of the hall, someone else stepped in. And just in time, too.

"Get the fuck away from them."

Tommy turned around, and his eyes lit up when he saw Wilbur marching his way to them. The older's voice had been loud enough that it drew more than a few curious gazes to whatever was making him sound so loud and angry.

One of the men sneered, and Tubbo let out a loud cry as fingernails dug into his skin. "We were just talking, dude," the man holding Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Yeesh, what's up with people nowada-"


Tommy choked on his own spit, and everyone around gasped, as a fist connected with one of the men's nose. The man stumbled back, clutching his nose tightly as he let go of Tubbo, who immediately ran away from the man. He stared wide-eyed at a Wilbur who was cracking his knuckles.

"I said," he started lowly. "Get the fuck away from them."

There was a beat of silence, where everyone simply stared at Wilbur in disbelief and shock. Then, the man's buddies started charging at Wilbur in anger, and everything quickly descended into chaos. Punches were landed everywhere, and a fight started to break out.

The four of them were tugged away by Phil, who led them away from the fight. Peeking back, Tommy could see Techno, Dream, and Wilbur in the fight. Some of his other friends were joining in, too. A few staff members had arrived, and the fans around were recording and yelling.

'Oh, we are so getting thrown out,' he thought.

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