[R] Rainy Days (Mega & Zelk)

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(A/N: Shadow_Smith: could i request a Mega & Zelk thing? where Mega had a bad day or something and Zelk is the one to comfort them? (with Mega still being mute bc it lowkey bothers me when people dont make him mute lmao
yeah sure why not)

Zelk comes home from work to find Mega curled up on the couch.

That already rings several alarm bells in his head. For one, Mega is almost never on the couch without his computer or a book or something, really. For another, he's curled up in the way that he always does when he's crying out of frustration.

Frowning, Zelk places everything down first, and takes off his jacket — slightly wet from the rain that started pouring when he was about a minute away from the apartment — before going over to the couch, making sure to make his footsteps heard, and tapping Mega's shoulder lightly.

Mega looks up, and Zelk frowns when he realises that Mega's eyes are red. There's also some faint trails of tears running down his cheeks.

"You good?" he signs.

"Do I look good?" Mega signs back angrily.

With a sigh, Zelk sits next to Mega, and pulls him closer. Unlike usual days, when Mega would've hissed and pushed him away, wanting to keep his standoffish cool guy appearance, today Mega goes along with the side-hug willingly, even going so far as to snuggle in.

'He must've had a really bad day,' Zelk thinks. He reaches out to stroke Mega's back like a cat for a little while, before pulling back so that he can sign properly.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened to you?" he angles himself so that Mega can see what he's signing. Mega shakes his head.

"Not now," he signs back. Zelk nods.

"Alright, then is it okay if I just ramble about my day?"

This time, Mega nods. Zelk clears his throat and begins speaking, his voice slightly scratchy from all the talking he had to do at his job.

"So this morning I walked into the workroom, and the first thing I see is..."

The rain starts to hit against the window harder as the skies outside darken. Zelk doesn't exactly keep count of how long he goes on a rant about his day for, but he does notice when Mega pushes himself away from him.

"You good?" Zelk signs. "Do you want to move to your bed or something?"

Mega shakes his head. "Someone started threatening to call the manager on me when they didn't get the coffee they wanted, even though I was working at a pet shop. They also made fun of my muteness."

Ah. That explains it; Mega has never been a fan of entitled people who think that they can get whatever they want out of retail workers. Especially not the ones who think they can do whatever they want as long as they have the manager on their side.

It's at times like this that Zelk thanks the skies for the fact that Mega's manager is one of the kindest and sweetest people he's ever yet, and also someone who owns six different kinds of guns at his house and could get away with a murder in broad daylight if a customer even dared to insinuate anything about his workers.

"Well that person's an asshole with a capital A then," Zelk signs as a response, smiling as Mega's lips quirk up in a half-hearted attempt at a smile. "Do you want me to talk about random things more?"

Mega nods his head. He leans back onto him as Zelk clears his throat and starts speaking about the cats he had spotted while on his way home to their shared apartment.

There's no other words to be said about what they're doing. The way Mega squeezes his hand and leans closer into him is thanks enough, and Zelk is always happy to be there for his friends.

And out the window, the rain continues pattering against the window.

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