[R] Soft For You (Schlatt & Tubbo)

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(A/N: VeeDaSnek: Can you do something !Dadschlatt? Anything is alright as long as its fluff
absolutely. here have some fluffy and soft schlatt. also sorry if tubbo's speech is off, I have no idea how to write kids)

"Papa! Papa! Wake up, Papa!"

Schlatt groaned, blearily opening his eyes. A tired smile made its way to his face as he saw his son's beaming face above his, eyes wide with excitement and joy.

"Hey, Tub," he said tiredly. "Can you give your Papa just a few more minutes of rest, hmm?"

Tubbo pouted, looking very much like an adorable kitten. "But the last time you said that, we were late because you ack-shi-dentally overslept!" the four year old whined, hitting his tiny fists on his chest.

Schlatt groaned, reaching up to steady Tubbo as he sat up, Tubbo shrieking and laughing as he pretended to nearly let him fall. "Papa! That's mean!"

"That's what you get for waking me up so early, kiddo," Schlatt told him playfully, smiling as Tubbo giggled and hopped off his chest. "Alright, why don't you play with your toys while Papa goes and gets ready for the day? And maybe you can gather all the toys you want to play with Tommy?"

"Okay, Papa!" Tubbo nodded, so seriously that it made Schlatt stifle his laughter as Tubbo hopped down and marched determinedly to the living room. With a sigh, he got out of bed, and began his morning routine.

He made a mental reminder to get started on the laundry when he opens his closet to see over half of his clothes missing. Tugging on his black jacket over a blue shirt, and buckling a belt over grey pants, he headed out of his and Tubbo's shared bedroom just in time to see Tubbo triumphantly push the last of his toys into a pile.

"Papa!" Tubbo smiled brightly upon seeing him. "Look! I packed everything for Tom-Tom! We're gonna play Chase with the toys together soon!"

"I'm sure Tommy will appreciate your toys, Tubbo," Schlatt chuckled. Picking his son up, he smiled as Tubbo 'booped' his nose, giggling after he did so. "Now let's get you changed into your favourite clothes, hmm?"

Tubbo's favourite clothes were the yellow and black striped shirt, the blue overalls, and the brown pants that Niki had bought fo thin as a set for Halloween. It came along with some fake bee wings and an antenna headband as well, but it worked just as well as normal, everyday clothes. Tubbo cheered when he was all dressed up and ready for the day.

The doorbell rang just as they stepped out of the bedroom. Tubbo immediately started running for the door, banging on it loudly and yelling to his best friend through it. With a fond sigh, Schlatt gently tugged Tubbo away so he could open the door.

The moment he opened it, Tubbo was immediately hugged by Tommy. "Tub-Tub!"

"Tom-Tom!" Tubbo replied, just as enthusiastically. He started dragging him to the living room to show him his toys, as Wilbur stepped inside too, the other having been 'forced' to babysit his younger brother for the day.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet, have you?" Wilbur asked, amusement in his voice. "You look shittier when you haven't had breakfast."

Schlatt huffed. "Oh, shut up, Wilbur."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," Wilbur teased. "Anyways, we can have the whole morning and afternoon for the kids to play, since Dad and Techno aren't home, which means I can decide how long we can stay, as long as we return before dinner time."

Two similar gasps made the two men turn to their son and brother respectively.

"Really, Wilby?!" Tommy gasped. "A whole day with Tub-Tub?"

"A whole day with Tom-Tom!" Tubbo repeated.

"Yup, a whole day for the both of you," Wilbur chuckled, picking up Tommy when he ran up to him. Schlatt did the same with Tubbo, and slung the bag of Tubbo's toys over his shoulder. "Come on, let's go now. Tubbo, how would you like to eat some honey pancakes for today's breakfast, hmm?"

They went to a nearby cafe for breakfast, since Wilbur and Tommy hadn't eaten any before leaving their house. Not so coincidentally, the cafe was also where some of their friends worked.

"Welcome to Sugarplum Cafe, how may I- oh!" Niki paused mid-customer greet, a smile appearing on her face when she spotted them. "Schlatt! Will! Come on in, your usual seats are empty right now!"

The cafe was rather empty, so there was no one to complain about unfair treatment as Niki chatted with them all the way to their table.

"Minx couldn't come in today because she got sick, but we have a new worker to help out today!" Niki said. "Anyways, what would you all like?"

"Just the usual for me and Schlatt," Wilbur replied. He looked at Tommy and Tubbo. "What would you two want, hmm? Honey pancakes for you, Tubbo?"

"Honey pancakes!" Tubbo cheered.

"Tub, what's the magic word?" Schlatt reminded. Tubbo gasped softly, and nodded.

"Honey pancakes, please?" he repeated.

"Aww, of course!" Niki smiled. "Tommy, what about you?"

"I wanna share with Tub-Tub!" Tommy demanded. "Please?"

"Sure, I'll add extra to the plate only for you," Niki said, and the two children cheered at her statement. "Alright, just wait for a moment while I get your orders ready."

With Niki's leave, Tommy and Tubbo immediately took out Tubbo's toys and started playing with them, much to Wilbur's slight displeasure, as most of the toys ended up on his side of the table. Schlatt chuckled, and leaned back to simply watch his son have fun.

It was going to be a nice day.

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