Runaway Protagonist (Dream SMP)

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(A/N: sorry for putting a lot of these nowadays, but angst how. i do my best but is it enough? also sorry for making some characters seem like villains but it had to be done. also disclaimer none of this is real so don't go attack the ytbers for just role playing k? good.)

It was the final showdown, and it was held in Manburg.

Wilbur, Dream and Techno stood on one side, Tommy conveniently missing. On the other side, was Schlatt, Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy, and a few others.

Niki and Eret were in the latter's castle. They had gotten a mysterious message telling them to stay and hide in the castle, because the writer of it didn't want to see them hurt.

Tommy stood on a sturdy tree branch, overlooking the current word-to-word battle. A dark red cape similar to Red Riding Hood's cape was slung over his back. He wore a white dress shirt, a brown belt filled with shulker boxes and potions, and rough black pants and boots.

As he continued watching the battle, he gripped his Netherite sword tighter. It was given as a gift by Dream, but it wouldn't be much use for what he was planning to do.

The redstone connecting the TNT to the button had been cut off. Techno's horse was stolen away by him. Tommy had spent the last three days writing down every last detail and event of everything that's happened so far, and how it all led up to this one point of time, and managed to give some copies to Niki, Eret, Fundy and Tubbo, in a chest left at Eret's castle, not to be open until tomorrow.

He wanted to keep the story with him, just to make sure nothing like this ever happened again. He'd travel the realms, maybe tag along with Phil, if he would accept him.

His hand laid gently on one of the pouches strapped to his belt. It was his communicator. He hoped he'd still be able to use it even if he was in a different realm. Maybe he could find someone to help him tinker with it, if only to have a chance at continuing to speak to Tubbo after this.

He looked at the scene below him, which was about to turn into violence. Wilbur's hand was dangerously close to the button. It wouldn't work, of course. But the flint and steel in Techno's hand might.

So with a deep breath, Tommy jumped down and ran for the podium, slipping his sword back into his inventory.

It was easy to sneak by them, as they were too focused on their word war to notice much. A few more steps, and he was standing at the backstage of the podium. He hesitated, one last time, looking at Eret's castle, before he smiled, saluted it (not that they'd be able to see), and walked into the spotlight, a tune ready on his lips.

"I heard... there was a special place..." all eyes snapped towards him as he walked to the front. "Where men could go... and emancipate..."

"Tommy," Wilbur breathed out, taking a step towards him, face twisted in anger. "How... how did you escape?"

Tommy ignored him, continuing on with his song. "My L'manburg... my L'Manburg..."

"Tommy...?" Tubbo whispered. Tommy met his eyes, and smiled weakly.

"Tommy, get down from there, now," Dream demanded quietly.

"No." Tommy snapped back. "I will not listen and go along to whatever you all say, anymore. This isn't right. None of you are right."

"Tommy-" Wilbur started, but Tommy cut him off.

"No. You can't just strut in here, give me fake disks to ensure my loyalty, lie to me again and again, and manipulate me," he turned to Schlatt. "And you. I looked up to you, you know? But now I realise the truth: you may be smart, and you may be sly, but when it comes to it, you're nothing but a coward leeching off of other people's successes."

"And Dream." the false god. The puppeteer. The final enemy. "I know what you're doing. I know what you've been doing. And believe me when I say this: you're never going to push me around like a doll ever again. Because I won't let anybody else tell me what to do anymore!"

He took a step forwards, hands curled into fists by his sides.

"I hope you all regret your mistakes!" another step forwards. "I hope you see that all of you are risking your lives for nothing!"

A step. And a step.

"I hope you realise you're throwing children into a war they never started! I hope you know you've killed any love I had for all of you!"

The last part was a lie. He still had fondness for Wilbur and Techno, for Dream and Schlatt and all the others, even if it was small. But Tommy was too far gone to change that.

Let them suffer. Let them believe his words. Let them regret.

"I hope I never see any of you again! I hope all of your battles are for nothing! I hope all the history we've made together disappear in time!"

A shaky breath. His final words.

"And I hope that none of you go down in history as anything more than a bunch of traitorous cowards!" Tommy screamed, tears running down his face.

And with those last words, he turned and ran.

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