[R] Pest Control (Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: AmyPeanutBear: Sorry about being kind of vague but I really like the idea of protective tommyinnit or tommy is stronger than he looks and people often underestimate him like that stuff it can be abo or same universe that up you
no context just team as family. also protectiveinnit because why not
disclaimer: no s*x is involved, not even offscreen! they're just platonic and in this universe heats are just annoying fever-like cycles!! please don't think of this as s*xual!! thanks!)

There was someone near their base. Someone who wanted to hurt his pack.

And as the self-designated protector of the pack, — even if Wilbur wouldn't let him prowl by himself — Tommy had to take care of the pest before it became too much to deal with.

Stranger danger stranger danger! The voices screamed at Tommy even as he got up upon noticing the presence of danger. Threat to family! Stranger threat! Stupid bad guy!

"I know," Tommy muttered as he quickly hefted on his armour, making sure not to accidentally startle Fundy or any of the others awake. The hybrid had recently finished his cycle, and his exhaustion spread to the rest of the pack through their bond as well, leaving the others also exhausted. If it weren't for the fact that he had to go deal with the intruder-enemy-threat, he would be joining them in their slumber as well. "Come on chat, you can do better than just screaming at me. Give me info."

Northern isle! Iron netherite diamond! Sharp sword strong shield! Alone! Alpha! Stranger danger! Bad threat bad threat get rid of bad threat!

Sighing, he steeled himself before walking out of L'manburg's hideout. From there, all he had to walk a few steps forwards before he smelt the faint but disgustingly potent scent of an alpha.

He wrinkled his nose. He'd never been more glad that he was wearing a scent blocker. Ducking into a bush, he peered from it to get a good look at what he would be killing.

The alpha didn't look like much. In fact, he looked like one of those who would judge and underestimate him based on Tommy's appearance. The perfect target for a surprise attack.

The chat seemed to like that idea as well, if the way that they chanted murder and attack seemed to be any indication. A quick glance at the pest's weapon let Tommy know that he would be able to overpower the pest in seconds. So, Tommy slowly removed his armour, leaving only the netherite boots on for at least some sort of protection.

He was only dressed in a t-shirt and pants, so when he pretended to stumble and fall out of a clearing, he knew just exactly how the pest viewed him as.

"Sorry," he pretended to be flustered. "I was exploring the forest, but I may have gotten lost."

"Well you should've known better, shouldn't you?" the pest stated matter-of-factly, which made Tommy grit his teeth and the voices call for retribution, but he forced a smile to his face.

"Yeah, I guess so," he laughed nervously. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you out in these woods for? There are much better paths for a traveler to take."

The pest snorted, as if Tommy was a stupid child who barely knew anything. "I'm not a traveler, can you not tell?"

"Oh, sorry then. But what are you out here for?"

"I'm here for the L'manburg group," the pest said proudly, as if hunting down a peaceful pack was anything to be proud of. "They have a bounty on their head, which I'm sure you've heard about. I've been working on this bounty for weeks now, and the last top led me here. L'manburg has to be somewhere nearby, and I suggest you move out of the way of the inevitable fight, boy."

Kill him! Stab him! Murder him!

Tommy's mouth curled into a snarl. In his head, the voices started chanting.

Protectiveinnit! Murderinnit! Killinnit! Tubbo Wilbur Eret Niki Fundy Jack L'manburg! Murderinnit! Stabbyinnit!

"Would you like to know how L'manburg deals with bastards like you?" with a swift movement, the tip of the axe was pointed at the pest's neck. Tommy smiled sweetly, a contrast to what he would be doing next. As the pest reached out with his own sword, Tommy quickly swung his axe and knocked it out fo the pest's hands.

"We make examples out of you," he whispered, and he struck.

Murderinnit! The voices cheered. Killinnit! Just killed a bastard feeling good! Pack safe! Scan area make sure no threats! L'manburg safe!

"Shut up chat," he told the voices, rolling his eyes even as he prowled the area, bloodstained axe gripped in hand as he carefully scanned the surrounding area for any stragglers.

"Tommy? What are you doing?"

Tommy turned around, relaxing when he noticed who it was. "Hey, Niki."

Niki! Nihachu! Pack safe! Awake! Alive! Safe and warm! Niki!

Niki frowned at him, dressed in a simple dress that she must've quickly grabbed on when she noticed his absence. "Was there a Hunter?"

"Nah, just a pest," Tommy shrugged. "I took care of it already, don't worry. The pest won't be bothering us again.

"If you say so," Niki's eyes softened. "Now come on, don't worry me like this next time. We need to get you cleaned up."

Tommy smiled as he followed her back into the hideout. "Whatever you say, Niki."

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