[R] To Be A 'God' (Tommy & Techno & Tubbo & Dream)

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(A/N: picture up there is the full request (on ao3). hope I did it justice!)

"Are you ready, Tubbo?" Tommy grinned, tugging the red cloak closer to his body, until the furs on the top were brushing against his cheek. "Come on, bitch, we gotta be quick."

"I'm ready!" Tubbo said cheerfully, fastening the round paper on his face, angled so that it only showed one of his eyes, the other hidden behind a smiley face. "You go first!"

Tommy cleared his throat. He jumped onto the platform and raised his sword high, pausing to adjust the crown on his head before beginning.

"If you wish to defeat me," he began, dropping his voice as low as possible. "Train for another hundred years. Bruh. Blood for the blood god!"

"Techno doesn't have that much emotion in his voice!" Tubbo whisper-shouted. Tommy dropped his sword, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Ah yes, but that's where you're wrong, for you see," Tommy said, his voice still in that low tone as he hopped off from the platform and started walking towards Tubbo. "I have analysed all of his speech and compiled it all into a document, and after several days of analysing his movements and speech patterns, I have-"

He couldn't continue anymore, because he started to double over in laughter. "I can't, I can't-" he gasped out. "Tubbo, your turn."

"Alright, alright," Tubbo headed up to the platform, nearly tripping due to his lessened vision. He cleared his throat, and put both his hands on his hips, before deciding to just stuff them into the pockets of the green hoodie he was wearing instead.

"Oh George, oh Sapnap!" he tried to mimic Dream's loud, scary yells. "C'mere! Come here! I'm gonna get you!"

Tommy laughed as Tubbo switched between being the hunted and being the hunter.

"Oh no!" Tubbo yelled, running around, light giggles bursting from his mouth even as he screamed. "Leave me alone! Go away!"

"Put more energy into it," Tommy shouted. "You're not acting like him enough!"

Tubbo ran back to the middle front of the platform. "I am god!" he shouted out instead, making Tommy nearly fall over from how hard he was laughing.

"Big T, what the hell?!" he wheezed. Tubbo blinked innocently.

"I mean, Dream always has that god-complex of his, right? And he's like god so I just, y'know?"

"No I don't know," Tommy wheezed. He stepped onto the platform as Tubbo pushed up the sleeves of his hoodie. "Because I'm the god around here!"

"No, you're wrong," Tubbo giggled. "We're both the gods!"

"Excellent idea, Tubbo," Tommy nodded enthusiastically. "We can both be gods!"

"Yeah! We are the gods of the world!" Tubbo cheered, punching the air with his hand curled up into a fist. Tommy yelled out a loud "Yeah!", pumping his own fist up into the air.

"Oh, are you now?"

The two boys immediately froze in place, slowly turning around to meet the eyes of their respective older brothers. Dream had his arms crossed over each other, and Techno was standing there with a hand on his hip. They were both missing their hoodie and cloak and crown respectively.

"Hey... hey!" Tommy took a step back, a nervous smile on his face. "Hey Techno!"

"Dream!" Tubbo was equally nervous. "I uh, I thought you were out! On, uh, on a hunting trip! Or something!"

"I got back early," Dream responded in amusement.

"Oh- oh yeah? Well that's uh, that's great!"

"It is great," Dream agreed. "And that's my hoodie you're wearing."

"Tommy," Techno said, smiling just a little as Tommy nearly jumped out of his own skin. "That's my crown. And my cloak."

Tommy began spluttering. "Cloak? What cloak? What crown? These are all mine!"

"Yeah! Yeah, these- the hoodie's mine too." Tubbo chimed in.

"Oh really?" Dream asked. "So it seems oversized on you both, it's because it was meant for it to be that way, right? And because it's ours?"

"Yeah!" Tubbo agreed, before realising his mistake when Tommy jabbed his stomach. "Wait, no-"

Techno smirked as he swung his Netherite sword onto his shoulder.

"Thirty seconds, you brats," he said, voice fond. "Then we're coming for you."

Tubbo and Tommy stood in fear and shock for a few seconds, before Tubbo snapped back to his senses, gripped Tommy's arm, and pulled him along as the two ran away into the forest near L'manburg. Dream barked out a laugh as he glanced at Techno.

"We'll go after our own brothers?" he asked. Techno didn't reply, but he nodded.

Dream hummed, tapping his foot on the ground. "Five, four, three, two, one, we're coming!"

He and Techno jumped into the forest and gave chase. It was a nice break from everything that had been happening.

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