[R] Traps & Tricks (Illumina & Fruitberries)

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(A/N: Slyonalexis (on ao3): Can you do a hypothetical scenario of Illumina and Fruitberries joining the Dream smp and people trying to get them into their conflicts since who doesn't want a speedrunner who has a good amount of the highest speed running records and person who could trap people really well. But all they do is pulling traps up for fun and travel around the SMP having the presumed adventure of any travelling merchents in video game. Also them saving each other from people who got one of them alone to negotiate terms of them join their side?
I had to type all this out bc Wattpad doesn't allow me to copy paste it ahhhhh. but yuppity yup here it comes. sorry if I didn't get fruit & illumina's personalities spot down I don't watch them. also sorry for this bein so short my head empty no thoughts)

'If Illumina saw me like this, he would laugh at me,' Fruit thought, as he let out a quiet sigh.

"Well?" George asked coolly, crossbow raised and aimed at him.

"For the last time, no," Fruit rolled his eyes, laying his head back on the uncomfortable wooden chair, looking bored as he was tied up by tight ropes, and in a room with Schlatt, George and Quackity, all of them in Netherite and Fruit practically naked, with only leather boots to act as armour. "No, I will not join you to take down Pogtopia or whatever it's called."

When he and Illumina were invited to the Dream SMP, they were immediately bombarded with requests to join a side, to participate in their war, to fight.

Obviously, they refused, and the moment they were able to, they got what little things they had and got the fuck out of the main parts of where the war was. They travelled far enough until the others had to travel for days before being able to find them. In that time, they gathered tools and resources and grew closer as a result. They didn't dare to build a permanent base, not it would eventually be discovered and destroyed.

They collected various kinds of things to trade with some of the SMP members whenever they came across them. Fruit often joked to Illumina that they were the Wandering Traders of the SMP, to which Illumina would roll his eyes, but he never contradicted the notion.

For the past few weeks, they've been travelling from place to place, never staying, just leaving traps for their chasers to fall for. Sometimes, they'd sneak back into the main area of the SMP just to lay traps and laugh as they fell for it.

Every time they laid a trap, they would make sure to put a sign or a note with the letters 'F & I' just to watch as the people who fell for their traps cursed and raged about it. There was just something about watching people get angry at themselves for falling for yet another trap for the third time that day.

Fruit's favourite trap was when they managed to get Quackity stuck in an underground maze for over an hour. That was a fun one. Illumina preferred to do trading and collect as many fishes as humanly possible, but he did help in building the traps.

But after way too many times falling for their traps again and again, after they've left notes saying they didn't want to be involved in the wars, Pogtopia eventually stopped their advances. Manburg, however, did not.

"We have ways of making you join, Fruitberries," Schlatt's voice snapped him back to the present, where there was a sword aimed at his neck. Fruit wasn't bothered.

"Like what?" he raised an eyebrow. "Tickling? Beating me up?"

"Oh, I wouldn't get my hands dirty like that," Schlatt laughed. Fruit really hated the guy. "Torture has many forms, after all. I'm still deciding between eternal drowning or eternal burning."

"Oh, are you now?" he sighed. "Torture is a rather cowardly way, you know? Especially if it's automated; it means you aren't strong enough to spend time to get the results you want. Not something I'm looking for in a president, you know?"

"On the contrary, I'd say it's a smart way," Schlatt countered. "Not that you would know; you don't know how to lead properly, not like I do."

"You're not that good if you don't realise what I've been doing for the past few minutes," Illumina's quiet voice came from above, and the other three didn't get a chance to react before they were being dropped down, pistons pushing the blocks down and away, before closing once they had dropped down.

Fruit grinned up at Illumina as he untied the ropes binding him. "Nice trap," he complimented the other. "I taught you that, didn't I?"

"Don't feel so full of yourself," Illumina said quietly. "Come on, let's go."

There was a horse waiting for them, one Illumina had clearly tamed and gotten in a rush, and Fruit let Illumina get the reigns for the horse, as he himself put back on his armour and equipped his weapons once more.

Distantly, he heard cursing and screaming, as well as the occasional banging. He snickered.

"How long do you think they'll be down there?" Fruit asked.

Illumina hummed. "Enough for us to be far away enough by the time they get out. I made it extra hard."

"You know, Illumina," Fruit started once they were far enough. "You're a real great friend, you know?"

Illumina didn't reply, but Fruit knew he had heard. And that was enough, for now.

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