🌱 Primerteers (Ranboo & Tommy & Tubbo)

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Ranboo is a good guy. Ranboo abides by all the Rules of Elsewhere to not get Taken Away by the Fair Folk. Ranboo has his name and keeps his Name close to his heart. Among the oddities and students with more secrets than personality at Elsewhere, Ranboo is as normal as anyone who's attending Elsewhere University can get.

It's hard to stay normal, though, when he has somehow befriended the only two people in this University capable of meeting any creature or person of any age and power and wiggling into their good graces, without even knowing they are doing it.

If Ranboo hadn't made that deal with Freya-Oyster and became allergic to hard alcohol, he would've been downing several bottles every day.

"So you see!" Innit crows out, waving his hands up and down, as Tubbo nods firmly. "We will build a Prime Path, and we will make a shrine to honour our Prime God, Twitch-Rivals-Seven!"

Ranboo has never read or even heard about a Prime God before. He has also never been involved with Innit and Tubbo until he got dragged into a quest with them, and they somehow became the Three Primerteers. Which is a stupid name that Innit made up, but considering him and Tubbo make up two thirds of Ranboo's total number of friends, he can't really object.

"And where are we building the shrine again?" he asks. Innit and Tubbo grin at him.

It would've been normal if they are any other people. As it stands, they are practically mini gods, what with the way

"We'll build it at the end of the Prime Path!" Tubbo says brightly. "You know, the one that leads into the forest nearby?"

"It's the best spot because no one fights there, and none of the Fair Folk or the others would kidnap us there," Innit tells him excitedly. Ranboo smiles.

"That sounds like a good plan," he compliments. He doesn't tell them that the reason no one would dare to do anything to the spot is because They are too fond of the two to do anything, and the University students would rather reveal their Names than cause harm to either Innit or Tubbo.

And from the looks of it, being their friend has given him at least some part of that protection, even if they always look at him for a longer time than usual to make sure he isn't trying to do anything bad. Not that he would, anyways.

"Have you got any plans for how it might look yet?" he asks, letting out a sigh when the two turn to each other sheepishly before looking back at him. "I'm gonna assume that's a no, because that's the only reasonable answer."

"We were going to!" Tubbo says. "But then we had that whole skirmish with Schlatt, and then Dream came in and Soot got possessed and Technoblade tried to-"

"Shut up, Tubbo, he's probably heard of it already," Innit jabs Tubbo's shoulder.

Ranboo has, indeed, heard of the Finale of Pogtopia. He doesn't know how everyone living in the dorms on Floor Two's East keep getting into shenanigans like these, but considering he had moved there just a few weeks ago, he supposes he'll just have to get used to it.

"We need paper," he decides. "Lots and lots of paper. And also some kind of thing that could let us make a hologram of the thing."

"We could get paper from the Library, but where would we get the hologram thing?" Tubbo tilts his head.

Innit suddenly lets out a shout that startles both Ranboo and Tubbo. "I got it!" he yells. "Wait here, I'm gonna go ask Septic-Eye — he can get it for us!"

Listen. Just because he's promised himself he wouldn't do anything to harm two of his only friends doesn't mean he's not above persuading them to use their connections to some of the most powerful people in Elsewhere for some good for once.

"Good, so we have a plan!" Ranboo claps his hands, and Tubbo cheers. "Now we just gotta make a building plan with easy-to-get materials that we won't have to go on a quest or a Quest for!"


Innit comes running back as he and Tubbo are discussing what materials go well with one another.

"I got it!" Innit shouts gleefully, holding a piece of carefully crafted metal in his hands, along with a folder of what looks to be paper. "Papers as well! Obviously Septic-Eye said I had to repay him with a favour by spending a whole day with him, but I can free up time from my busy schedule."

"Yeah, 'busy'," Ranboo playfully mocks as Tubbo giggles in the background. "Alright then, let's get to planning. I have some pens with me, and you better not break them."

"We should go to the Library to plan this stuff," Tubbo starts walking off. "Come on! No time to waste!"

As Innit runs off too, Ranboo looks off into the outside of the window by chance. He squints at the shadow he can see hiding behind a tree in the field.

"Ranboo!" Innit calls out. "Are you coming or not?"

"Yeah, coming," he looks away from the window. It doesn't concern him anyways. The shadow can do their own thing, and he'll do his.

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