A Recap (Tommy & Ranboo)

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(A/N: hihihi sorry for not doing requests uhhh today was not a good day, so here I present to you an excerpt from a fic I discarded writing lmao,,, uh yeah!! ok sorry again and pls enjoy)

"Do you know the history of L'manburg, Ranboo?"

Ranboo's face flickers through a myriad of expressions, but he shakes his head.

"No, not really," he admits. "I've heard of it from a historian, faraway point of view, I guess."

Tommy sighs. He leans forwards.

"Then I'll tell you about it, from my perspective."

"First, there was me and Wilbur and Tubbo," he begins, memories coming forth in his mind, despite how painful they were to remember. "We decided to make a nation, because Dream wouldn't let us sell our 'drugs'. It was a joke, at first. Kind of just a funny thing to do. We were expecting to just joke around- and Dream did the same, at first. Until Wilbur sent off a Declaration of Independence. Then they sent us a Declaration of War."

"I wanna see white flags! White flags!
Outside your base, by tomorrow,
at dawn, or you are DEAD!"

"We fought with them, and then the fighting kind of ended when Eret, uh, betrayed us. To settle things 'once and for all', we had a bow fight, and Dream won. But I exchanged my discs for L'manburg's Independence, and Dream agreed, so L'manburg was officially founded."

"Oh," Ranboo hums. "I didn't know you were the one who gave it its independence. All I heard was that you won, and that was about it."

"Yeah, well," Tommy laughs bitterly, curling in on himself. "I guess that's what everyone heard."

"So then things were fine," he continued. "And then Schlatt came. Uh, an election was held, me and Will tried to rig it but then Quackity signed up with George, and Fundy and Niki made their own party, and Schlatt combined his party's votes with Quackity's own party votes, and the coalition ended up winning. Schlatt banished me and Wilbur, and we ended up making Pogtopia, which was just a glorified ravine. And that's when things started getting worse."

"Wilbur went... he went mad. Started shouting more. Started trusting less. He always kept saying it was me and him, just the two of us against the world. Without Niki, without Dream- back then, at least-, without Technoblade, without... without Tubbo."

"Have you not noticed?!
Everyone who's claiming to be on our side,
they're lying to us! Tubbo?! He's lying to you, man!
He- He would drop us at the SECOND
he realizes we're not in the lead anymore!"

"Stop it! Stop it, Wilbur!"

"A festival was held. Schlatt made Tubbo build his own execution box, and it ended up with Technoblade murdering everyone at the festival except for me and Wilbur, and then we had a fight in the pit. Lots of people joined our side, and Schlatt died of a heart attack when we came. I thought it would be fine, especially after Tubbo became president after I gave the presidency to Wilbur who gave it to Tubbo, until Wilbur decided to blow up L'manburg and kill himself, while Technoblade summoned withers and killed all of us multiple times."

"You wanna be a hero, Tommy?
Then DIE like one!"

"After that, we rebuilt L'manburg, and things were sort of fine," Tommy says. "And then you came along, and we did the prank on George that could've been rebuilt in just a few moments, and now my discs in Dream's hands, and Tubbo and I- we aren't-"

"You said that you and Tubbo used to sit on this bench together?" Ranboo cuts him off of his stuttering. "I don't... you two must've been really close, huh?"

Tommy is quiet. He sighs. "Yeah. Yeah, we were."

Once upon a time, it was him and Tubbo on this bench. Listening to Mellohi or Cat, watching the Sun set, just two best friends sticking with each other through thick and thin, relaxing and enjoying time with each other, even if it's only for a while.

But Tubbo's not his best friend anymore, he can't be when he's just given up the one thing that Tommy had given him as a sign of trust between them, to Dream. Tubbo's not next to him anymore, because that's Ranboo, and Ranboo is-

Ranboo isn't Tubbo. Tommy isn't sure if that's a good thing or not.

"I guess I should've realised this from the start," he says. Ranboo turns to look at him.

"Realise what?"

Tommy lets out a short, bitter laugh. He stares at the Sun setting, watches the sky fade into orange.

"They never should've put children in positions of power," he whispers.

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