[R] Screechtwt (George & Tommy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. do you guys just really like the trope of tommy is actually (character's) brother?? not that I'm complaining tho. anyways here have some gogy and tommy as brothers)

George was streaming on the SMP as usual. It was a chill stream, so he had fun collecting blocks to start planting them all over the SMP as a prank. A lot of his chat were joking about something suddenly happening on another streamer's stream that contributed to lore, and all the while he would be here chilling, just like he was during the Manburg-Pogtopia War.

He found the jokes about him sleeping through major wars pretty funny. Plus, it added to his 'immortal who's so tired of everything that wars don't even faze him anymore' fanon characterisation, which he found cool.

He was just answering a donation when the door to his room opened. But he didn't realise just who exactly had entered his room and the view of his facecam until his brother started speaking.

"George, Mum and Dad have left for their business trip, so can we have a movie night now?" Tommy whined. "You promised me you would watch 'Up' with me last week, and I'm holding you to that."

"Wh- Tommy!" George turned around and spluttered. He took a quick glance at his chat, and groaned at the speedy spamming of 'Tommy' and 'Softinnit'. That was probably because unlike during streams, Tommy was dressed in a long red sleep shirt with a happy bumblebee in the middle of it, and comfortable baggy trousers. He looked softer than most would have seen him.

Also, he was behind George, and he referred to their parents as 'Mum' and 'Dad'. Obviously, his viewers would catch on to the fact that they were brothers now.

"What?" Tommy frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm streaming, Tommy!" George didn't mean to screech that loud, but it got the point across. Tommy practically shoved him away and nearly made him fall over as he leaned nearer to his computer, cursing when he realised that it wasn't a prank.

"Well why didn't you say so sooner?!" Tommy yelled back.

"Because you literally barged into my room?!"

"Well you could've like warned me beforehand or some shit! Don't you yell all the time?!"

"We're literally brothers, Tommy, you know I don't yell at home!"

"Like hell you don't!"

When George took a peek at his chat again, they were still going by extremely fast, even in Sub-only mode. With a sigh, he turned around to tell Tommy.

"Hey," George said softly. "Look , I'll watch 'Up' with you after my stream ends, alright?"


"Yeah I promise," he said. "I'll even bake the cookies you love so much tomorrow, alright?"

Tommy perked up at the mention of cookies. He always did; it was his favourite thing to eat, especially when George made it. Because despite what people would like to believe, he was actually a pretty good baker.

Their nice moment was ruined when certain people joined the voicechat George had joined before, in case anyone wanted to talk to him while he was streaming.

"AY GEORGE!" Quackity yelled loudly. "HEARD YOU GOT A WILD CHOMMY IN 'ERE, DON'T CH'YA?"

"Big Q!" Tommy crowed back, equally as loud. George groaned and sunk further down his chair as Tommy quickly took control of his character and his stream, talking and laughing along with Quackity and Karl, who had joined a few minutes later.

Soon, George's stream was fully taken over by Tommy, with George in the background giving the occasional tips. Hen the stream was done, George got up from his chair and ruffled his younger brother's hair, before heading downstairs to start the movie 'Up'.

Well, not before going onto Twitter, of course.

screechtwt: Twitter fans of the dynamic that YouTubers and streamers GeorgeNotFound and TommyInnit, who have been revealed to be brothers, have given themselves the name of 'screechtwt', due to the fact that both YouTubers have been known to scream very loudly.
SoftInnit: Youtuber and streamer TommyInnit showed up on fellow streamer GeorgeNotFound's stream, dressed in a different attire than what he would normally wear, and fans promptly went wild over it.

George @GeorgeNotFound
goodnight to everyone and also @tommyinnit ig 🙄

TommyInnit @tommyinnit
replying to @GeorgeNotFound
stfu and get back to watching up with me Idiot

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