🖕Elbows - Dead (Dream & Tubbo)

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(A/N: the sequel to Knees — Gone. This time with protective Tubbo. Also, should I make this a series?)

Tubbo wasn't angered easily. Not like Tommy, anyway.

While Tommy definitely got his kind of anger from Tubbo's brothers (easy to anger, but still very dangerous), Tubbo got his mind of anger from Tommy's brothers. Quiet, slow to anger, but devastating when done so.

Tubbo wasn't angered easily, but that didn't mean he wasn't angered at all.

Tubbo gripped the wanted poster in his hand tighter. It was for Tommy, and it had a reward of $1,000 dollars. But that wasn't what angered him, no. It was the person who put out the wanted poster that made him angry.

He knew who Don Sacrieto was. Everyone in their community knew who that bastard was. Chances were, if he was searching out for Tommy himself... well, there was a reason everyone always made sure there weren't any young boys in his sight whenever he came by.

If he had passed by Tommy before... it would explain why Tommy looked so shaken up yesterday.

From the looks of it, it had been posted recently, and Tubbo knew more would be posted around town soon enough. Taking one last look at the poster, he crumpled it and shredded it, tossing the torn remains into a nearby trash can as he rang up his brother, knowing he wouldn't refuse helping him once he found out what he would be dealing with.

"Dream, I need your help."

The mansion, while being a mansion, was discreet. It was rather pretty too, with lush greenery and flowers around, gates shiny and the whole area filled with the best security.

No matter; it would be gone soon enough. Gone with its owner.

"You sure you can take him on yourself?" Dream asked him, as Tubbo swung the axe in his hand onto his shoulder, eyes dark. Dream himself had his friends on call, George and Sapnap being the ones to handle the security and to block off any escape roads that bastard might have.

"I know I can," Tubbo said, patting the communicator strapped to face. "I'll call you when I'm done."

Dream nodded. "Be careful," he called as Tubbo turned and walked through the gates, smiling at the sound of the alarms being sounded off, knowing that it wouldn't matter in the end.

Finding the office — and consequently, where Sacrieto was located — was easy. It wasn't that hard to miss a large golden plaque that said 'Office of Don Sacrieto' on it. As expected, Sacrieto was sitting on his chair, smoking a cigarette, looking as though he was fully in control. And maybe he was, before George and Sapnap messed with his security system.

Tubbo wasn't about to let him know from the start though. He wanted to watch the full situation slowly dawn on his face, watch it fall in horror. He wanted to make him suffer.

"Well, well, well," Sacrieto drawled, his slimy tone making Tubbo shiver. "Looks like I have another doll to play with today. Why don't you put down that little teacup of yours, hmm? I have better toys here."

"How about you go fuck yourself?" Tubbo shot back, not moving from his place.

"You all are always all bark and no bite," the other muttered. "No matter. I think this will teach you not to be so rude to your master."

He reached over with one hand to push a button on his desk. Tubbo didn't know what it was supposed to do, but he grinned as Sacrieto kept pressing it, the button clearly not working. Sacrieto's face dropped. He leaned back on his chair and took a deep breath.

Tubbo's grin widened. He had done exactly what he wanted him to do.

"I didn't come here to play games, pedophile," Tubbo said, slowly walking nearer and nearer. "I came here to make you pay."

As he said that, Sacrieto tried to lunge out at him, but failed. Probably because his body, arms and legs had been tied back to the back, the arms, and the legs of the chair respectively. With the same heavy-duty ropes he had originally kept hidden in his chair to strap down innocent children to, well. Not that it mattered now, since it clearly backfired.

"I don't want to draw this out, because I have to go hang out with Tommy soon," Tubbo said, walking until he was just in front of the now terrified man. "So I'll just tell you this."

He swung his axe upwards, and slammed it through his right elbow, grinning wider at the scream that followed.

"You will never touch my best friend ever again."

Another swing, and the left elbow was cut through, the arm falling off and onto the floor. Unbothered, Tubbo picked it up by its fingers, and in one fell swoop, stuffed it down Sacrieto's throat.

Tubbo stepped back to smile at his artwork.

"Well, it's been fun hanging out with you," he announced cheerfully. "Since I'm such a nice person, I'll let you die in your office. Bye!"

And with those words, Tubbo casually jumped out the window, and landed on the extra-extra-soft mattress Wilbur had manufactured for their community.

"That was dangerous," Dream scolded him mildly as he pulled him up. Tubbo laughed.

"Yeah, but dangerous is literally what we do," he grinned. Dream sighed and shook his head fondly.

"Whatever," he jerked his thumb to the car. "Hop in. This place is set to blow in a minute, and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire."

Tubbo got into the backseat, and the two drove off. He giggled as he heard the explosions set off, the noise loud and oh, so satisfying.

A few hours later, after changing clothes and washing his axe, Tubbo met up with Tommy at the park.

"Hey, Tubbo," Tommy greeted casually, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. "What took you so long?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Tubbo shrugged, a smile on his face. "Just had to deal with some trash."

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