Shadows of Fame (Fundy-centric)

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As a child, Fundy had always wanted to be just like his father.

Wilbur Soot-Minecraft was one of the most talented and popular musicians of the decade, after all. His songs always stayed at number 1 of the song charts for a longer time than other songs, and it was rumoured that his fanbase was one of the best in the world. He was charismatic, and with his relation to Diplomat Philza Minecraft and King Technoblade Minecraft, there was almost nobody on the planet who didn't know about him.

As a child, Fundy was happy to have a father like Wilbur. Behind the scenes, he would always spend time with him, and Wilbur would always make time for him, even if they were in the middle of an important photoshoot or in the middle of filming a music video.

As he grew older, though, Fundy wanted to be anything but his father.

He saw what happened to the other children of celebrities, the children like him. They were hounded by the media 24/7, any and all of their movements scrutinised to a terrifying degree, and anything they've said as a child used against them. Fundy would always be grateful to his father for not exposing him to the media, not even revealing his name, but that didn't mean he wanted to be him.

And he saw what the media did to his father. Wilbur grew busier, spending less time with Fundy. They travelled more, to the point where Fundy would only stay in a certain place for longer than a month if the video shooting was taking a longer time than usual. His father didn't have time for celebrations anymore, and though he was still close with his family, it just wasn't the same.

And so, no matter how much it broke his father's heart, Fundy refused to go down the same career path as his father. It was why he moved practically a continent away, with his cousin Tommy, to go live with their Uncle Techno's own son, Ranboo, who was studying Graphic Design.

It was hard to adjust, at first. Britain had its own culture and language, so different than the Antarctica, that Fundy had a hard time adjusting. But over a year later, he was settled in as if he was never from Antarctica in the first place, studying his last year of high school at the same college Tommy was going to. Ranboo was attending his second year of college near him and Tommy's high school, which made it easier for him to pick them up after school.

As Fundy hopped out of the car, he waved farewell to Ranboo. He walked to the doors at a moderate pace, unlike Tommy who, after spotting one of his friends upfront, immediately began sprinting like hell was on his heels.

As he walked through the halls, Fundy grimaced at the topic of the chatter everyone else was talking about. His father had recently released his new single, 'Your New Boyfriend', and it seemed as though practically everyone was talking about it. Fundy should've expected it; Wilbur was a popular musician, after all, but that didn't mean he liked hearing his father's appearance being talked about in such a blatant manner.

Fundy spotted his friend group up ahead, and smiled. He sped up his footsteps, catching his friends' eyes as he waved to them.

"Hey, Fundy!" one of his friends, Dream, called out as he waved to him. As Fundy caught up with the group, he overheard Eret talking to the rest of their friend group.

"And the vocals are just- oh hey Fundy!" Eret greeted him. "Have you heard of Wilbur Soot's new single yet?"

Fundy grimaced, though he forced a smile to his face. "Yeah, I have."

He had gotten to hear it a week early. His father was ecstatic to show his new single to his son and his nephews, and Fundy, Ranboo and Tommy got to hear the final version a week before they were set to release it. He had to admit, 'Your New Boyfriend' was catchy, even if it did kind of scared him to watch his father act like a weird ex.

Still, that didn't mean he liked hearing his friends get all gushy and excited over his father, while he was right there.

Then again, he couldn't fault them, not when they didn't know that he was his son in the first place.

"And what did you think of it?"

"It was fine," Fundy shrugged. "Catchy. I liked it."

"And that's it?" George frowned at him. Fundy resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Yes? I told you guys already, I'm not interested in looks or whatever," Fundy huffed. Besides, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to even look his own father in that kind of way, anyways.

Before anyone else could speak, the bell rang. Fundy bid farewell to the rest of his friends as he, Dream and George walked to their shared first class, which was Computing.

As the teacher talked about the lesson they were supposed to learn today, Fundy immediately opened up the coding website his class was using, and started typing in random codes and seeing how they worked. He was already better than at least 90% of the class anyways, and he had asked about the lesson plans earlier in the year and knew that today's lesson was one he had already mastered.

His ears perked up at the mention of a group project. Instinctively, he turned to look at Dream and George, who were also looking at each other and him. The three of them shared a grin, and Fundy already knew who he was going to partner up with.

But before the teacher could officially announce if they would be allowed to choose their own groups or not, there was a knock on the door. As the teacher opened it, and the person stepped through, Fundy's heart dropped upon seeing who it was.

The man looked like a normal bodyguard for Antarctica at first glance, but the badge on the bodyguard's suit gave it all away; he was someone from the Secret Service of Antarctica, and the only reason he would be here is if the royalty of Antarctica was in danger... and that royalty was Fundy.

His eyes met the bodyguard's sunglasses, and Fundy knew that whatever happened, he would have to explain a lot of things to his friends.

(A/N: Wilbur, Techno & Phil are brothers and all a lot older than the main cast in this. they're like, in their late thirties. They're also brothers, and their sons are Fundy, Ranboo and Tommy respectively. this was taken from a self-indulgent au I have, but changed slightly. oh, and they're all royalty. also, there's no romance, just the usual idol crush thing people have.
and if you're wondering, I m a y be talked into a sequel for this chapter......)

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