🔘 Many Questions (Tommy, Tubbo & F1NN5TER)

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(A/N: Tubbo doesn't know Finn's gender in this, he just goes with what form he sees Finn take, and right now, it's a male form, so he/him pronouns are used for Finn.)

"Well, I didn't expect to find people here. Sleeping, even."

Tubbo shot up from where he was sprawled underneath the dark oak tree. Looking up, he was met with amused dark blue eyes.

The stranger wore a simple blue hoodie and black jeans, along with some sandals. He had curly brown hair, and he looked like he was from somewhere else, even though he seemed at ease in... whatever this place was.

"I- where-" Tubbo looked around, relief in his chest when he spotted Tommy, still breathing, still alive. And from the looks of it, with all his injuries healed, too. He looked back at the man standing over them.

"Who are you?" he asked. A quick check at himself made him realise his injuries were also healed. "What did you do to us?"

"Me?" the man laughed lightly. "I did nothing. The Forest takes care of zeir own."

"The Forest?" Tubbo looked around, surprised. And it was a forest, with all the trees and plants you'd expect from one. But he thought he'd dragged himself and Tommy to a tree in a plains biome, not in a forest. "But I wasn't in a forest before."

"Then you must've been near the Forest, then. The Forest has ties to the trees near, even those that aren't near the main part of zem."

"You still haven't answered my question," Tubbo said, looking around for a weapon he could use, in case the stranger decided to attack him. He saw nothing. "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that first," the man said. He spread his arms, and crystals started moving out of the ground. "After all, you're the one in my domain, not the other way around."

Tubbo stared, the realisation suddenly appearing in his mind. The only person who could do that, and looked like the man before him, was... "The Ruler of the Scented Forest. You're them?!"

"Don't sound so surprised, would you? I should be the one surprised here," the ruler huffed, letting the crystals sink back into the ground. "It's very rare that the Forest's kin never realise who they are."


"Doesn't matter," he made a move to walk forwards, stopping when Tubbo tensed up and bared his teeth. "Relax, i won't hurt either of you. You're Forest kin."

"Don't come near," Tubbo warned. The ruler raised his hands up in a placating manner.

"Alright, alright, but I'll come back for any questions you might want to ask," the ruler turned to walk away, but not before he called, "And I'll bring you some food. I heard you liked stew?"

And with that final message, the ruler disappeared into the forest. Tubbo stared at where he had disappeared, his mind already whirling.

Only Tommy knew what his favourite food was, and Tommy was asleep. He couldn't have told him about his favourite food.

So then, who did?

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