Ringers (Tommy & OC)

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(A/N: how to cope with the events of today? simple: write a fic! i was gonna do a request & finish up one of my draft oneshots but today ruined everything lmao. cant wait for tomorrow </3 also I have never watched any of the streams I have gathered all my information from tumblr posts so yeah
not a SI!OC, btw, if that's what you're wondering. I just mashed up a bunch of my OCs and stuffed them here lol. and is this cringe? well yeah probably. do I care? no
tw for a lot of mentions of past manipulation and gaslighting. yes this is about dream.)

"You idiot!" Noire snaps. "What made you think that going to Technoblade and asking to participate in the fight in L'manburg would be a good idea?!"

"Because you and I were supposed to fix this!" Tommy snaps back, his spirit form waving his arms around. "Because this is why you're here, isn't it?! To fix shit?!"

Noire resists the urge to scream.

She's a pacifist. Or at the very least, she hates fighting. That much has to be obvious in the way she has made herself a separate life, in a separate location, one that separates the line that divides them between Tommy and Noire. And now Tommy has the absolute idiocy to sign her up for a war she never wanted a part of, knowing full well that it would be held on a day when it is her turn to become Innit? She doesn't even want to fight!

"Listen, if anything fails, you can just call it quits and run!" Tommy says, a hint of a plead seeping into his voice. "Look, this situation isn't ideal for either of us, but please, at least try."

Noire narrows her eyes, but she and Tommy both know that she's always been soft for him.

"Fine," she says curtly. She glances around her room, and feels something settle into her, her mind coming up with ideas that she could've only dreamed of doing a few days back. She does need to release her anger somehow, and a pacifist she may be, but she does have her tendencies. "But if we're going to do this, we're going to do this my way."

It all goes smoothly from the beginning. Technoblade and her ride to L'manburg, and Noire tries to act as close to Tommy as she can, but it's kind of hard to focus when Tommy's just blabbering in her ear while she tries not to outwardly snap.

The festival looks great from a distance. A shame it will all be blown to pieces soon, but oh well. She can deal with a trade-off.

The fighting starts as soon as they notice her and Technoblade. At some point, Dream joins, which isn't surprising.

Her hands itch for his blood. But no, not now. Dream can live, but only for a little longer.

Noire doesn't actually know what she's doing. Sure, she's always wanted to give Dream the Character what he rightfully deserves, but she'd never thought it would become real. And she also didn't think she'd have to fight so much for it.

As expected, she and Tubbo end up facing each other. They yell words they sort-of don't mean, Noire makes sure to think before saying her words, it goes well. They hug, they cry, and then Noire realises something.

'Fuck, did Dream and Techno team up?'

"Yes!" Tommy hisses in her ear beside her, but it lacks the usual bite that he would've had. "I don't... why the fuck did he do that?!"

"Because he didn't know about the shit Dream did to you," Noire mutters back, ignoring Tommy's confused noise or Tubbo's shout as she stalks to where Technoblade and Dream are standing.

And it appears that Technoblade thinks she's betrayed him. Joy.

'Say the line, say the line...'

"...I meant that you could sit it out, not switch sides!"

And something in her — the same thing that wants to punt Dream into space, the same part of her that holds Tommy tight when the trauma of manipulation gets to him — snaps. Oh, how it snaps. She doesn't know the 'whys' or 'hows', but she snaps just by hearing those words, and it feels freeing.

"Switch sides? Switch sides?" Noire laughs. "Technoblade, the only reason I would switch sides is if Dream is on a particular side."

The rage bubbles, burns, and spins. She's always been a non-Dream apologist, but it's only now, when the words actually can mean something, where everything is oh so real, that it actually bursts.

"I didn't fucking betray you! It's just that you decided to side with Dream, of all people!" she yells. "Have you already forgotten the fucking shit he did to T- to me?!"

And oh, now Dream has an axe to her neck and despite how daunting it is, despite the fact that she might actually just lose Tommy's last canon life to this despicable man, Noire still smiles.

"I would suggest you keep quiet, Tommy."

"Aww, keep quiet about what?" exhilaration runs through her body, and she runs her mouth as a result. "The fact that you continually gaslighted and manipulated me emotionally while I was in exile? The fact that you forced me to burn my stuff again and again in an attempt to break my sense of sentimentality? Don't be a fucking fool; the only reason you've been keeping me alive and waving those discs around so often is because you want leverage to use to break me for trying to defy you.

"But guess what? The discs don't matter anymore. You can have them, you little pissbaby birch boy. Go on, say your manipulative words. Convince everyone around that I'm the villain in this story. Say I destroyed the community house, when it was you who did it and blamed it on me, just like you blamed everything on me. Come on, don't be shy, reveal your true colours."

With a surprising amount of flexibility, Noire turns around, hands wrapping around Dream's shoulders, a smile on her face. "Go on," she whispers. "Break me, just like you broke your friendships with George and Sapnap."

Dream tries to push her down, but Noire is too drunk on power and the exhilaration of being able to finally say 'fuck you' to Dream, that she pushes him down first. Her axe soon swings to his neck.

"You wanna know why your emotional manipulation hasn't been working?" she asks sweetly. She doesn't wait for an answer.

Noire bares her teeth in a grin, sharp and wild and happy.

"Because I'm not Tommy."

"Noire, what are you doing?!" Tommy shrieks, and from the startled look Dream adopts, Noire knows that Tommy has made himself visibly by accident. Well, not like it matters anymore.

"You're too soft, but in a different way," she rolls her eyes, her axe digging deeper into Dream's neck. "Don't you realise, Tommy?"

A smile appears on her face.

"Manipulators don't get happy endings."

Dream was slain by NOIRE.

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