requests + explanation for the emojis + v small analysis

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gonna move thsi upwards to make it easier to check. im really tired while writing this but for new readers I promise my actual grammar and stories are better than this

hhhh okay so I said I'll open up requests once I reached 20 days (12/10/2020) and well,,,,,,

anyway requests are now open whoooooo

I won't get any but y'know since it's apparently a Thing that one shot books are supposed to do I guess I'm doing it now

so, things I will absolutely not write:
- scat
- gore
- smut
- shipping with ccs who are minors/have stated that they aren't comfortable with being shipped

things I might write about but fair warning that there is no guarantee of it being what you expected:
- heavy angst
- shipping
- action scenes

everything else I'm fine with writing about

formats I'll write in (haven't seen people do this but y'know just opening up the options in case anyone decides to for whatever reason send me a request)
- normal storyline
- texts
- other social media (twitter, instagram, etc)
- all povs (1st person, 2nd person & 3rd person)
- dialogue-only

characters I focus on are mainly dream smp, sbi, dteam, idots, basically anyone I've already tagged. for other ytbers I'll still write for them but like,,,, they're not gonna be the main focus bc either I don't know them or I don't watch them or I don't know about them enough

depending on how much I know about the request you send it and the time you sent it, the time it takes for me to write it & post it out varies so just a forewarning.

also all requested fics will be marked with a (R) bc I do still wanna write my own ideas lol

Comment your requests in this line specifically, please!

uh that's it I guess. please remember this is a daily one shot book. I write one everyday and I don't add to it the next day bc it's daily and if I add more to it it kinda ruins the whole thing I've got here. and I don't check it after unless I really need to. so please don't request like really long things unless you're fine with the prompt being split up to multiple parts that'll be posted in differing days.

what's with the emojis? you might ask. well uh

Chapters with the same emoji before the chapter title exist in the same universe. They are not necessarily in chronological order, but the time they are set in will be pretty evident.

Emoji-verses (will update whenever added):
🔘 general basis is this: BAMF Ruler of Monsters F1NN5TER and the shticks they get up to.
🌱 Elsewhere University AU. MCYTers usernames online are their names, and if their usernames contain their True Name I'll take another part of their name to use as a name.
📎 SBI AU where the boys of SBI went through some shit and came out less than human. their features are pretty hide-able, but their minds have changed. basically they wanna take over the world to get revenge and protect their loved ones. also their actual families are uhhh
🖕 MCYTers are badass people who get into situations ranging from semi-legal to just straight up illegal. they're known collectively as the Community, a group of people who you should never piss off at any costs.


ok so this is purely based off of the amount of views & votes each chapter gets. but uhhh y'all seem to really like the sleepyboisinc chapters the most, followed by dteam, then dream smp ppl, then lastly idots. do y'all really like sbi that much???

i mean i can't really judge so,,,,,,, if y'all want I can write more sbi

anyways that's all thank you and goodbye

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