You Fucked Up (Dream SMP)

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(A/N: I have a lot of emotions and all of them just so happen to be centered around the Dream SMP. Which is why I'm writing this: to release my emotions. Canon divergent, in a way. Enjoy!)

A few months ago, things wouldn't've become like this. He could've still been with his family and friends, having fun, free from stress and trauma. If Wilbur hadn't accepted that invite from Dream, if they had never gotten the idea to start their own country, if Eret hadn't decided to betray them for a false chance of glory, if he hadn't invited Schlatt...

It didn't matter now. It was no use dwelling on could-have-beens or would-have-beens. Not when Tommy was surrounded by enemies.

The festival hadn't gone as planned, that was for sure. And now, the only thing Tommy knew was that he could only trust Tubbo and Niki. And even those weren't permanent. Tubbo could realise that he wasn't as good of a friend as he tried to be, Niki could realise she was fighting for a lost cause...

It didn't matter. There was one last wildcard he could use. One final attempt to take back what he'd built up. One final attempt to prove to himself that everyone he invited wouldn't betray him eventually.

It had happened with everyone else before. He hoped to whatever deity that was out there, that it wouldn't happen to this one too.

They had planned for so long, sneaking him in when everyone was asleep so he could gather materials, for survival's sake. And now, Tommy was calling him in, publicly.

As of now, he was standing, back faced to a forest, front faced to every single person on the server who wanted him dead, and Tubbo and Niki beside him, bags clutched in their hands or thrown over their shoulders, crossbows and swords aimed at their faces.

It was almost just like the war for L'Manburg. Except this time, he couldn't fully trust anybody.

He would run, with Tubbo and Niki by his side. But first, he had to speak to someone.

"I thought I could trust you," his voice cracked, "Technoblade."

The man himself shrugged, standing slightly in front of Wilbur almost protectively. "I told you, didn't I? I'm an anarchist. I fight for blood."

"Yeah, say that to yourself," Tommy shot back. "When you aren't clearly fighting for Wilbur."

Techno didn't say anything, but he stepped just in front of Wilbur slightly, raising his crossbow, eyes narrowed. Jschlatt loaded up his crossbow loudly. Wilbur smiled, with a smile of a man who's lost his mind. Everyone else raised their weapons. Niki stepped in front of him protectively, only to be pulled back gently by Tubbo.

Tommy didn't react outwardly. He wouldn't give everyone the satisfaction of seeing him break down, as his brothers betrayed him. He wouldn't give everyone the satisfaction of watching him admit defeat, not when they didn't deserve it.

They didn't deserve his love and loyalty in the first place, anyways.

"I've realised something," Tommy continued, eyes never leaving Techno. "You're not really all that, are you?"

He took a shaky breath. He was going to do it. He was going to use his trump card, his final move.

"You're not a hero, Techno. You're just a coward. You're nothing but a coward."

Tommy took a step back, gripping into Tubbo's arm like a lifeline, Tubbo holding onto Niki. He looked around, at the sea of faces all staring at him, tensed and ready to attack. Enemies.

"And I hate to say it to you, but I mean this in the nicest way possible..."

With his other hand, Tommy reached for the communicator, typing a few words in. A slow smile curved on his face, even as tears brimmed his eyes.

"You fucked up."

Ph1lzA joined the game.

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