Ghosts (Insert Youtuber Here)

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Ghosts have always surrounded you.

You're not sure when they've first arrived, but they have, and for whatever reason, they've decided to stick around. You don't know why, though. You haven't done anything worth sticking around for.

At least, not anything you can remember anyways. And you don't remember much.

The cave has been your home for all you can remember. It has obviously been inhabited by a bunch of people before, looking at the different rooms and places. There's a small pit in a random wall, that has a few blood splatters. You tend to ignore it, but for whatever reason, you don't block it up. The ghosts don't want you to block it up either, so you don't.

Speaking of the ghosts, they're... well, they're the only friends you've got. Their features aren't really clear, but you can tell who's who, seeing as they've all got something to differentiate them by.

One of them has a bandana wrapped around their head. The colour is faded, so you can't tell what colour it is, but the bandana ghost is funny. Smiles a lot. Laughs a lot, too.

There's another ghost, with what looks to be a crown on their head. Again, the colour's faded, but you know it's a dark colour. You think so, at least. The ghost has funny jokes, and acts like a brother or a father to you most of the time.

Another ghost has what looks to be goggles on their face. Or sunglasses. You can't be too sure at this point, since it's black. But they are kind, and they help you plan things out sometimes.

There's a ghost with long hair, that's maybe blonde, maybe brown, you're not too sure, really. They're your favourite, because they're kind and nice and they teach you how to bake out of whatever food you have.

And then there's the tail ghost. You call them the tail ghost because they have a tail. You're not sure what animal tail it's supposed to be; for all you know, it could be a cat's or a fox's. They hover around you, and they like to create. They teach you how to create, too.

There are more ghosts, but they don't really stick around too much. They help you hunt for food above ground, because according to them, if you yourself left the underground, you'll die. You don't want to test out their theory. Besides, they're your friends.

You usually busy yourself with training how to fight against the rare mob that would spawn in your little underground area. There's a training area stacked with dummies, with a diamond sword encased in a glass box. You don't touch it. Nor do you touch any of the other weapons encased in glass boxes. Especially not the one labelled 'Axe of Peace'.

There's places you're not allowed to go to, like the swirling purple portal slightly hidden in a corner. You don't think you even want to go through, anyways. You can hear screams, and you feel feelings of anger and terror, so why would you ever head inside?

The chests are filled with random blocks and materials and tools. There's one chest, though, labelled "Important". The items in it don't look important, just some disks, fishes in buckets, food, and really good armour, but you know that whoever had these items must've really loved them.

There are framed pictures hanging everywhere. Some are scratched, some are barely visible, but there's one that's clearly taken of. It's a group of people, posing in front of a strange white build, all smiling and in matching outfits. Blue, red, white, black, and yellow. A flag hangs behind them. You think they've achieved victory, but what exactly, you're not sure.

You've found a room once, with TNT surrounding a lone wooden button. There's carvings on the wall, resembling a song. Whatever "L'Manburg" was, you know it's long gone by now. You feel pity. You block up the small hole that let you go through, and you do not touch the room ever again.

You're not sure how long you've been down here, nor what you'll do next. What you do know, is that ghosts have always surrounded you.

(A/N: who the ghosts are are up to you. they could be new gen youtubers, or they could be old gen ones. and you can decide who the narrator is as well. i tried not to say too much about their personality lol. all you need to know is that this is pogtopia, and someone fucked up majorly. who that someone is, it's up to you.)

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