Sky Dust (Outsider's POV Dream SMP)

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(A/N: feeling shitty, gonna give y'all a random snippet from whatever. sorry for the low quality stores as of late I'm busy w/ real life stuff!
get these people some therapy they need it)

The mortals are strange, and amusing.

You've been watching them from the beginning, watching their sanctuaries rise and fall, watching them change and become who they are. You've watched them from the eye beginning, and you've seen everything.

They play their petty fights and wars, that could've been easily solved if they had just talked and negotiated, and yet they don't, and continue to fight in brazen and manipulative ways.

It's entertaining. But you do admit, it's getting quite old. And, though you'd never admit it out loud, sad.

They used to be friends, you know. You've seen them play around with each other, laugh at each other's jokes, spend time in silence in one another's company, just happy to be at each other's side. And now, all that had disappeared.

You frown, watching them make plans to tear each other down, the atmosphere downcast even within their own allies and sanctuaries. They will break, and they will crumble, and they will snap apart.

You like them too much to just let that happen.

Should you make them better? You ponder that question as the day turns to night, and back to day. In the end, there was never really an alternative choice, anyways.

You look at the blond and brown haired teens, both forced to grow up too early and too fast. You look at the horned tyrant, just wanting to protect himself from getting hurt more than he already has.You look at the fox hybrid, belittled until he thought the only way to be seen as himself was to go solo.

You look at the kind-hearted woman, torn between the people she used to know and love. You look at the false king, winning a victory but at a cost too high for the benefit to be worth it. You look at the crowned warrior, suffering in silence as nothing more than a weapon.

You look at the brown-haired madman, fallen from grace and snapped due to the betrayals and lies he's faced and heard. You look at the white masked man, playing a game too complex and too dark for him to truly win. You look at the sister of him, a girl who just wants to prove herself to the world.

You look at the loud-mouthed brunet, always seen as nothing more than collateral damage. You look at the creeper-masked inventor, trying to help out the best he can while just wanting safety. You look at the men in blonde and sunglasses, just wanting to do their own things only to be dragged into a war they never wanted to fight.

You look at the duo in red and blue, just wanting peace but finding none of it. You look at the goggles-wearing man, never important, never noticed unless it's with someone else. You look at the bandana-wearing man, always deemed a villain when he just wanted justice.

You look at the creative brunette, always shoved to the background and barely remembered. You look at the reindeer-nosed man, forgotten and left in the shadows. You look at the cat hybrid, wanting to have fun and happiness but instead finding chaos and destruction.

You look at the two boys, wanting to play once again with their friends, only to have them crumble and snap. You look at the sweet-hearted man, who expected a world of love and got a world of madness. You look at

Yes, you decide. You will make them a family again. You will make them whole again.

You take their codes. You spawn a world, furnished with everything they would ever need. You may or may not have regressed their ages and appearance, but let them keep their memories. You make it so that they are unable to leave. And lastly, you take out a few other codes from other servers as well.

You put them all into the world, watching as they left their previous world one by one, never to return until they have sorted things out. You smile, satisfied.

Nobody wants to see their toys being broken, after all. It's for the best that you do this.

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