[R] You Can't Kill a Minor (Fem!Tommy-centric)

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(A/N: Zeroblitz_123: Do you think you could do another female tommy with the concept of overprotective brothers (like technoblade, wilbur, dream, george, etc...)?
yeeeeeeesssssssss finally I have an excuse for wanting to write female Tommy- anyway here!
tw: mentions of s*xual harassment and punching and kicking of a minor. nothing too graphic, but it's just mentioned. please be warned.)

"Hey chat!" Tommy grinned at her chat. Unlike the usual colour-and-white shirt she normally wore, today she was wearing a jacket over a red top that stopped just above her midriff. The bandages that wrapped around her midriff were still too painful for her to wear anything over it, and she normally would've just donned a bra and call it quits, but she needed to stream today, which was why she wore what she was wearing.

She streamed as usual, talking to her chat, reading out donations, setting up her log house better, when she got an offer to hop into a voice chat with Wilbur, Dream, Techno, and Phil, outside of roleplay. Naturally, she accepted.

"Hey guys!" she greeted. Pretty soon, she was getting into an argument with Techno while Dream, Wilbur and Phil laughed in the background, occasionally adding their own thoughts in.

At some point in the conversation, Tommy had leaned back and thrown her hands in the air, yelling about everything being unfair, when Wilbur cut into the conversation.

"Wait, hold on, hold on, pause the convo," Wilbur said loudly. "Tommy... what was that on your stomach?"

Tommy froze up. Her hands instinctively went to wrap around her waist. "...nothing?"

"That wasn't nothing, that was a big ass bandage on your stomach."

"Tommy, if things aren't good at home-" Phil started, but Tommy immediately cut in.

"No, no, no, it's not what you think! My parents actually- I got this from college. My parents are the best, and they're fine, they're not- they're not that kind of people."

"College?" Techno spoke up. "What happened?"

"You don't have to tell us on stream if you don't want to," Dream added. Tommy shook her head.

"No, no, it's fine," she said. She took a deep breath before starting.

"So I was at college, hanging out with... with Barry, Larry and Henry, yeah?" Tommy started off her story, leaning back on her chair. "And we were talking, and I had to split off from them to do something else, and just as I was coming back, right, this guy — who was already known as a real asshole around campus — he just- he fuckin' slapped my ass with a hand and the other reached to my shoulder to probably unstrap my bra or some shit. We were in like a more shadowy corner of the campus, which was why I think he thought he could do that."

Tommy paused for a while, willing away the memories of that incident, before continuing on.

"So, naturally, I took my mum's advice and I turned around and kicked him in the crotch, of course," Tommy continued. "And I punched him too, just for extra effect. Then I started yelling for my friends so that they would notice and stuff, but I guess the guy really didn't like that because he immediately swung his leg up really high to kick my stomach. And then he started attacking me like a wild dog or some shit. I tried to fight back, and I did succeed, but then he got one real good hit in and I fell back. I don't remember much, but I think Barry and Henry had to drag the guy away.

"Then, obviously I got called to the office to 'discuss' this, and I was assuming they wouldn't punish me because I was literally the one attacked, but as it turns out, my college is sexist as fuck, because they sent me home as suspension for 'attacking another student' even though I was literally fighting back in self-defence. They sent the other guy home as well, but I'm pretty sure it's only because people saw him doing all that. But anyway, I went home and told my parents about what happened, and my dad went to talk and argue with the college board while my mum helped me clean up and bandage the wound and stuff. And that's what happened."

For a while, there was only silence. Tommy thought they had quit the call, so she went to go check. "Guys? Hello? Are- are you there?"

"Tommy?" Wilbur spoke up first, his voice eerily calm. "Who was that guy's name?"

"Uh, I didn't get it," Tommy responded, confused. "But I think it started with a... a G or something? I know all the girls on campus call him Douchebag Gary, though."

"Right," Wilbur breathed out. "Alright, if I go to jail for beating up a potential rapist, I want you all to bail me out. Chat, you hear me? You guys gotta bail me out."

"Wilbur, what the fuck?!" Tommy wheezed.

"Same here," Phil chimed in. "I'll hide the body, nobody needs to find out."

"Phil, no!"

"Do you want me to sue the school and the asshole?" Dream added on. "I have enough money to sue them. Just give m the name and I'll meet them in court. I think Quackity can help me with that, he's studying law isn't he?"

"Wait, no, you guys don't have to-"

"No one knows my true identity," Techno spoke up flatly, but with fury and intent behind his words. "I can murder that motherfucker."

"Wh- no!"

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