Of Gold and Dust (Dream + platonic SkepHalo)

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(A/N: gonna be honest I haven't been feeling well these past days ://. but I hope my story quality doesn't drop lol, gotta give y'all the content y'all deserve. anyways here have this i guess. there's a quote here taken from the vid above so that's why i linked it.
there's mentions of skephalo & dreamnotfound. in this universe, they're platonic, but you could consider them romantic if you want.
tw warnings: mentions of suicide. it's brief, so you can ignore it.)

You stand on a platform. Everything is white. You look at the floor, and your reflection stares back at you.

'Where...... am I?'

"How are you here?" a voice says. You look up, and there are two figures floating above you. One is white, the other is black. They look human enough. They have every body part needed for one to be considered human. Their only changes in colour are their eyes, which are the opposite colour of them.

They are strangely familiar.

"He's not here," White says to Black. "He's just dreaming that he's here."

"So he's close, isn't he?"


Black sighs.

"Um," you're not sure what to say. "Where am I?"

"Silly you," White giggles. "You're in the Void. You're not supposed to be here yet, don't worry."

"Why... who are you?"

The two smile at each other like they're onto a secret joke between themselves. "Nobody you should concern yourself with." White replies.

You want them to elaborate, but... "Why am I here?"

Black smiles sweetly. "You don't have to know yet."

"There's no sugarcoating it, ———," White rolls their eyes. "Congrats, you're going to be just like Sorealis! Whoo!"

"******!" Black hisses.

"Sorealis..." you think back to the tales you've heard. "That's... that's the guy who..."

You cannot finish your sentence, your mind blanking out in horror. Black finishes your sentence for you.

"The guy whose sacrifice in life made him a God, only for him to lose his soulmate, and in despair, he killed himself." Black says. "You got it right."


You raise up your left arm, push your hoodie sleeve up, and sigh in relief as you spot the simple, but meaningful '404' on your arm, the colours blue, white, and black, just like it had always been. Then, you look up at the figures again.

"Who are you?" you ask again.

"We're soulmates," White replies. "We ascended together. We're the ones who've lasted the longest, too."

"Lasted long enough to discover how to get back to the natural land," Black continues. "The others weren't so lucky. Aren't so lucky."

"Can you tell me how?"

"Nope," White shakes their head. "Sorry. It's different for everyone. Or, well, every pair."

You want to stay silent, to get your mind together, but your mouth lets out one final question.

"If what you're telling me is the truth, why don't we hear about it?" you ask. "Why aren't your names in the history books?"

"They were," White simply replies. "They were."

"That doesn't make sense," you shoot back. "If you're gods or, whatever, you can't be forgotten that easily! And neither can the others who ascended."

Black laughs. It is not a happy sound. You flinch from it, even though you know they can't possibly hurt you. At least, you hope they can't.

"Oh, you poor soul," he sighs. "Don't you know?"

You shake your head. You're not sure if you want to hear about it or not.

Black smiles. White sighs, and it is wistful.

"Even Gods fall through the sands of time," Black says, and that is the last thing you hear before you are falling, falling, falling......

l i v e

Your eyes open. The light is bright.

You sit up from the bed and rub a hand over your eyes. Your mind thinks over the dream you just had.

'What was that dream?' you think.

You decide to ignore it.

A knock on the door comes.

"Dream? Are you there?" your friend's voice comes through. You sigh, and reach to put on your mask, which is a white circle with an ever-smiling face on it.

"Coming!" you call.

Yes, you will ignore that dream. Better to ignore it than to mull over questions you're not sure you want an answer to.

'Skeppy... Bad... Who are you, really?'

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