🖕 Ravager (Wilbur & Techno)

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(A/N: ya girl finally got her shit together and got herself an ao3 account!!! *put some party poppers here ig*. anyway if you prefer reading on ao3 come find me at RyDyKG (same username lmao). anyways here have mad scientist wilbur soot)

"Come on, Techno," Wilbur laughed as he tugged the other along down underground, to where Wilbur's lab was built. "You'll absolutely love this!"

"Why do I get the feeling that you're about to kill me?" Techno sighed.

Wilbur laughed even more. "Don't be stupid, I won't kill you! And neither will it."

"Wilbur, what is the 'it' in question?"

There was no response.


"Sorry, sorry," Wilbur said, gently putting a hand on Techno's shoulder to stop him. They were standing in front of a big glass container, which was covered by a big black sheet. There were notes scattered on a table nearby, as well as a monitor showing data of whatever was inside the container. "But hey, it'll be worth it, I promise!"

"You're not really giving me any hope right now," Techno responded dryly. "But do continue on, Doctor Wilbur Soot."

"Right, yeah, so the other day I was looking over the public data for the Withers that 2B2T has, right?" just like every other time, Wilbur started pacing back and forth while making little gestures with his hands as he rambled. "And I thought, what if we had a creature of destruction on our side as well?"

Wilbur paused in front of the container.

"And after several weeks of research and then months of actually doing the experiment, I present to you...... the Ravager!" ending his rant with a flourish, Wilbur pulled down the sheet, and Techno's eyes widened.

There was what looked to be a baby buffalo just sleeping quietly in the container. However, it was much more greyer than a normal buffalo, its horns were different as well, and perhaps the most evident change of all: it had a head similar to one of the illagers.

"Like it?" Wilbur asked. "I've been working a lot on this little guy. Sure, its just a baby for now, but the fact that I did manage to rework the DNA to form a creature like this; the other scientists could never."

"What..." Techno's eyes never left the tiny ravager. "What can it do?"

"Well, I haven't really experimented yet," Wilbur shrugged. "I've mostly been busy making sure it doesn't die and all. It feeds on meat, but I think it prefers human meat slightly more. It's also really strong, from what I can tell. Nearly broke through the glass before I calmed it down — I replaced the glass, don't worry — so I think it's actually better than an iron golem!"

Just then, the ravager stirred with a low groan which Techno assumed was its version of a yawn. Sleepy eyes peered up at the two men, and the little ravager growled.

Carefully, to not startle the little thing, Techno crouched down to stare at it closer.

"Wilbur, do you have any meat?"

"I knew you'd like it!" Wilbur laughed, his presence disappearing from his side for a while, before he reappeared with a human leg, which Techno did not want to know where he got it from. "Here, you can feed him through the little hole there."

Techno slid open the hole, and as expected, the ravager immediately charged forwards, growling. For some reason, Techno found himself letting out a low rumble from the back of his throat in response. And it worked, because the ravager sat back on its hunches, looking pretty confused.

Techno slid the leg in, smiling softly as he watched the ravager jump and tear into it with a vicious ferocity he'd rarely seen.

"From what I can tell, 'it' is a male," Wilbur spoke up softly. "I've only been calling him 'it' because him doesn't have a name yet. Would you like to give him one?"

Technoblade stared at the ravager staring back up at him, tongue out like a little puppy. His smile widened involuntarily.

"Floof," he said. "His name is Floof."

"What the fuck is that," Dream said flatly, staring at the creature snuggled up in Techno's arms. The man didn't seem bothered by it either, a hand idly scratching its skin.

"His name is Floof," Techno said. "And he's mine now."

"Wasn't that the creature Wilbur was working on?" George looked over Dream's shoulder. "The one which he was trying to create to be able to stand in equal power in a fight against a Wither?"

Techno's expression never changed. "Floof won't be fighting any Withers until he's all grown up. Isn't that right, you little fluffy boy? You're gonna grow up strong for me, Floof?"

As the two watched Techno turn into a pile of mush under the attentions of his pet, Dream and George looked at each other.

"Y'know, I'm not sure which one of us is more screwed: 2B2T or us."

"At least he won't tell Floof to kill us," Dream responded.

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