🖕College Kids (Ranboo & Fundy)

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Ranboo sat at the back of the class, practically bursting with energy. It was the last day of college, and if he were in any other college he and the other students wouldn't have even showed up in the first place, because college was just like that.

Unfortunately, because he was studying at the top law and business school in the whole world — and he still had no idea how he managed to get in, but he did — he needed to show up to at least 90% of the classes, and he was already cutting it close since he had to leave for a week because of that meeting with 2B2T.

Finally, after an excruciating amount of time, the bell finally rang, and students immediately poured out of the rooms and into the hallways. Ranboo resisted the urge to climb on the lockers and jump from locker to locker to get to the exit first as he was surrounded by other students wanting to exit the college as fast as they could.

He held his books tightly to his chest, did his best to not get squashed by the hoard of students all around him, and wondered if he could get away with knocking over a few people to make it easier for him to get out. Then again, it might just cause even more trouble getting out since people would be rushing for the exit to avoid getting knocked over... and he would feel bad.

As he walked out after a few moments of being stuck in student traffic, he got a message. Curious, he opened it up.

help girl I'm in the sea: hey Ranboo mind picking up fundy before making your way to the place

help girl I'm in the sea: he said he got his car stolen

help girl I'm in the sea: as in the whole car. theres no tracks or anything just the. the car

Ranboo stifled a laugh at the image of someone physically carrying Fundy's car away. Knowing that Wilbur would have seen that he read his messages, he pocketed his phone, said goodbye to a few study mates, and walked to the college that neighboured his own school, Jynger International. Which, coincidentally, was the college that Fundy attended, which was Kobe Jane's College of Computing Sciences and Crafts.

An odd name, but it was nothing compared to the shitty reputation the college had. As much as Jynger International tried to get rid of the college, it just kept losing the lawsuits that they threw at it. But Kobe Jane had a bad reputation for a reason.

Ranboo grinned as he spotted Fundy jumping down from a tree, jacket casually covered in blood, with his hood covering his face so no one knew who he was. There was almost nobody coming here other than other Kobe Jane students, so Ranboo didn't have to worry about his reputation at Jynger's as he grabbed his jacket and tossed it to the other.

"So your car got stolen!" he said brightly. Fundy scoffed and rolled his eyes, tugging on the jacket over his own jacket.

"I already had to deal with Wilbur making fun of me for a whole five minutes," he grumbled. "Shut the fuck up."

Ranboo laughed. He ignored the fact that every other student was doing their best to avoid the two standing directly in the middle of the entrance to the college.

No one wanted to mess with members of the Community, especially not after what they pulled in the Neutral Lands. Which Ranboo found weird, because the guys threatened them in the Neutral Lands itself, it was only right that they did what they had to do, wasn't it?

But he wasn't here to dwell on past things. He gestured for Fundy to follow him.

"My car's a few blocks away," Ranboo told Fundy as they walked along. "We have to go from the alleyway to make sure no one from my school spots me though, otherwise that's just gonna be bad."

Fundy sighed. "Well it's your fault for deciding to go the extra mile in being 'normal'. You could just forge papers."

"Yeah, but that ruins all the fun of it!" Ranboo announced cheerfully. "Now shut up before anyone hears you."

"I'm telling everyone else you killed a man on campus and threatened students to not tell."

"Wha- no don't you dare take out that phone you furry-"

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