[R] Asphodel & Narcissus (Dream & Fundy)

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(A/N: tendouisking: Dream gets jealous that someone is flirting with fundy
quick reminder that I do in fact write ships, but only ones that creators are okay with. if Fundy or Dream ever say that they're uncomfortable I'll rewrite this. anyways hades & persephone as dream & fundy has always been a secret love of mine aha- they're not really the gods but y'know how tommy is compared to theseus? yeah that but. this.
also sorry for the long note but!! i wrote a new fic!! fundy-centric, and it focuses on him starting a revolution to take down dream. it's called a winter's torch and you can find it on my ao3 :3 ok I'm done promise)

Persephone in her mother's garden,
The Sun on her shoulders, wind through her hair...

Dream shouldn't be jealous. He had no ties to anyone, and George had left him quite a while ago, tearing apart their relationship before it even began. He was a chaos god, the most powerful being on the server, he shouldn't have any weaknesses. He left those behind a long, long time ago. He didn't need a simple, mortal feeling like love to keep him down. In fact, he shouldn't feel any ridiculous human emotions to make him weak and overreact, anyways.

So why did he feel so angry when he had seen someone flirting with Fundy?

There was no reason for him to have acted so irrationally, by burning said person's belongings. There was no reason for him to want to have Fundy all to himself, to make sure no one would dare to try anything with the fox hybrid, to feel such protectiveness to a simple mortal.

Except... there was. Because from the moment Dream had first laid eyes on Fundy, smiling brighter than the Sun itself, with a flower in his hair as he celebrated the freedom of L'manburg, he knew he had found the one.

But Dream was selfish, and he was in denial. He did his best to ignore their connection, and look where that had led him. With a server in worse shambles than before, and a bond that was strained, with the other man still clueless and unknowing of what they shared. Perhaps it was better that way, that Dream wouldn't have to face a rejection that would shatter him.

However, now was not the time to think about that. He'd heard that Fundy was looking for him, and he would be lying if he said that he wouldn't take up any chance he had to meet and talk with the other.

The smell of the flowers she held in her hand,
And the pollen that fell from her fingertips...

He spotted Fundy in a flower field, possibly taking a break from looking for him. The fox hybrid looked peaceful, with a narcissus flower tucked behind his ear, eyes closed and smiling pleasantly as he laid on the grass. He looked so calm and happy that Dream almost didn't want to disturb him, but he knew that they needed to talk.

"Fundy," he called out. "Heard you were looking for me."

Fundy quickly stood up, eyes snapping open as he whirled around to glare at him. Dream already regretted making Fundy angry for... actually, why was Fundy angry in the first place?

"Oh you bet I was," he growled out. "I know you like to do random shit for your puppet nonsense, but you didn't have to go and burn all of their stuff!"


"The person I was talking to! I know you were watching us, I could hear the branches snapping; you're not subtle, Dream. You didn't have to do that, they did nothing wrong!"

"They were flirting with you!" Dream hissed, jealousy curling in his gut. "And they can't!"

"Why not?!" Fundy snapped back. "We're not lovers. I don't need to stay single for you; you don't control me anymore!"

And suddenly Hades was only a man,
With the taste of nectar upon his lips...

"I..." it was true. They weren't lovers. And that hurt more than Dream had thought it would make him feel.

Fundy sighed. "Look, I know I'm weak and I can't convince you to do anything, whatever, but can you at least apologise to them or something? I'll be leaving now."

He turned around, and something in Dream just shifted, not willing to let the other walk away.

"Before you go, please hear me out," Dream whispered. Fundy turned around, the narcissus flower still tucked behind his ear. Though he was still frowning, he nodded and crossed his arms.

"I know you won't forgive me for everything," Dream said quietly. "But if you would give me a chance again- if you would let me prove to you that I'm better now... if you would let me love you again? I'll do my damn best to make you happy, Fundy."

He didn't dare look up to see Fundy's reaction. After a while, he sighed dejectedly but resignedly, and turned away, with his back bent and his head low.

Just then, a hand reached out and clasped around his arm. "Wait."

Slowly, unsure of his own self, Dream turned around and looked up, meeting Fundy's steely eyes.

"I can't forgive you," Fundy said quietly. "And I can't forget, either. But... I can give this whole romance thing a try."

Dream would never admit to anyone that he actually perked up at that. "Really?"

Fundy nodded, slowly, and dare he say it, even a little shyly. Dream was now grinning so big, he was sure that if his mask wasn't on his face, he would've looked like an absolute buffoon, a fool in love.

"Well," Dream said, and everything just seemed so much brighter, now that Fundy had miraculously decided to give him a chance, one that he didn't deserve in the first place, but one that he would make sure not to break. "Shall we dance?"

Fundy looked kind of flustered, his ears flattening themselves in shyness, but he nodded, and let Dream lead him in a classic ballroom dance.

And in the breeze, a melody drifted in, its lyrics only heard by the pair in the flower field.

Singing la la la la la la la...
La la la la la la la...

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