📎 Fakers (SBI + Friends)

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The chat went wild when they saw the Sleepy Boys, back after a month of complete silence. Phil was humming as he pinged their friends on Discord, hoping that they'd join into a call with them.

Tommy was smiling at the camera sweetly, not saying anything yet. Techno adjusted his mask, smirking as he let the viewers see the part of his long hair that didn't look so ghostly, making them go wild about 'IRL long-hair Techno'. Wilbur was reading the donations out loud, thanking each and every one of them, promising to answer their questions when their friends got on the call.

Finally, one by one, their friends began to join.

"Phil?" Dream's voice called out. "Is that actually you?!"

"You're only calling Phil out?" Techno spoke up dryly. "Wow, do the rest of Sleepy Boys not matter to you anymore?"

A pause, and then—

"TECHNO?!" a chorus of voices called out.

"All of us are here too," Wilbur chimed in, snickering. "You know."

"Wait, is Tommy there too?!" Tubbo's voice cut through the others. "Tommy?!"

Tommy smiled wider, his body buzzing with excitement. He took a deep breath first, before responding.

"Tubbo!" he cheered, doing his best to control his voice. "I missed you, you know? Missed you a lot."

"I— Tommy," sniffling was heard. "I missed you too!"

"What happened to you muffinheads?" Bad spoke up. "You guys just disappeared without warning!"

"It's a long story, mate," Phil sighed. "But we'll tell you now."

"Believe me, none of us wanted to disappear for so long," Wilbur started off. "One thing just led to another, and well, you know what happened."

"But why did all of you disappear together?" George asked. "I mean, Techno lives in America, and the rest of you guys live pretty far from each other."

Techno jabbed Tommy off-camera. Tommy sighed, and let go of his control the slightest bit before he began speaking.

"Yeah, uh, you see, it was a family business that, well, kinda went off-road," Tommy laughed sheepishly, hoping the charm laced in his words actually worked. "We uh... we didn't expect to be gone for so long, but— okay, listen, it wasn't our fault."

We're still gonna tell them the truth, right? Tommy's voice sounded out in the other three's heads.

Techno squeezed his hand and traced the letters, 'U SUS', and nodded discreetly.

Tommy smiled, both from the confirmation Techno had just given, and the fact that everyone seemed to be believing his answer, despite the obvious holes in it.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Techno sighed. "Guess I owe you all an upload. Gotta feed the fans, am I right?"

"You could play Among Us with us!" Tubbo piped up. "It's just been so long since we've all played together, since, uh..."

"I don't know..." Techno hummed. "Chat, what do you think?"

The chat began spamming 'YES'. The four chuckled.

Just then, a donation came through.

iramiradre donated £20: is tommy ok? he hasn't been speaking much all this time

Tommy laughed, even as his mind ran through excuses, before finally settling on one.

"My throat kinda hurts," he said. "So I kinda wanna not say much so that it can heal faster and you all can get to hear my cool and awesome voice again."

Another donation came through.

laedebrugs donated £10: did you guys call your family yet??? they must be really worried

"Of course we did," Wilbur said. "They're family."

Luckily not anymore, Tommy's little whisper almost made them grin, but they managed to hold it in.

After a few more rounds of answering questions, and even playing Among Us with their friends, they decided to end the stream.

"No worries guys, we won't disappear like last time," Phil joked. They quickly ended the stream and sighed, but they hadn't ended the Discord call yet.

"Hey, um, guys," Tommy started, fully controlling his voice. "We've got something to say."

"Yeah?" Fundy asked. "What is it?"

The four looked at each other, before Phil began.

"It's hard to explain," he said quietly. "But I need you all to believe us."

"Dude, you're making it sound so worrying," Dream snickered, but everyone could hear the undertone of worry in his voice. "Just say it."

Wilbur sighed.

"Alright then. Here goes nothing."

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