Last Page (SBI, Tubbo, iDots & More)

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(A/N: for the last day of the year of 2020 :D! you've all been so very supportive of this book and my fics in general it really makes my heart melt :'). when I first joined this fandom in around May/June, and when I first decided to start posting publicly in September, I never actually imagined I would get so many people actually enjoying my fics and stuff :D. My writing has genuinely improved since a few months back, and if you told me I would one day be doing all of this I wouldn't've believed you.
Long note aside, thank you all so much. The numbers might seem small, but they mean the world to me. So, as a way to kind of repay you all back, have a much longer chapter with multiple sequel-esque-fics, of the chapters that you all seem to love the most. <3
ps: please check out my ao3 I have so much more stories on there. aslo why is most of this sbi wtf)

Family (SBI + Tubbo, chapter 1)
"Rules of the Wilbur Soot Appreciation Club," the woman in front declared. Wilbur tried not to shift or grimace too much as he sat in one of the many chairs his fanclub had somehow booked for this introductory event. Sitting besides him, Techno growled lowly, but almost loud enough that Wilbur had to slap his hand to get him to quiet down.

"Rule number one, you do not tell Wilbur Soot or any of his family members of this club, unless you want to face disastrous consequences," the woman said solemnly. Multiple others in the hall murmured and nodded their agreements. Wilbur snickered quietly.

'One rule already broken,' he thought.

"For newbies, this rule is the most important," the woman continued. "Really, if you haven't heard the horror stories about Wilbur's brothers already, you must've been a hermit or something. But basic premise is: don't tell the Sleepy Boys about this club, or you will be punished."

"I want to go home," Tubbo whined quietly.

"A bit later, Tubbo," Wilbur responded distractedly. "We're here to gather intel."

"And to kick their asses for starting a cult around Wilbur," Tommy added. "I mean honestly, why would anyone even try to make a 'club' for someone as shitty as Wilbur?"

"Oh you shut the fuck up, Tomathy, I can and will kick your ass-"

S.B.I, Open Up! (SBI, chapter 6)
The four agents hastily rushed back into their car, shutting the doors and driving off before the police could arrive and spot them. Behind them, the warehouse broke down, lava rushing out slowly but dangerously.

Phil didn't bother to abide by local road laws as he zoomed past cars, only slowing down when they were far enough from the scene of the crime, and after making sure there were no cars after them.

"So that didn't turn out the way it was supposed to," Tommy spoke up, to fill the silence. Sitting besides him in the backseat, Techno glared at him, midway through wrapping white bandages over his legs.

"You think?" he snarked, although it came out muffled, what with the piglin head-mask-thing that was currently stuck onto his face. "I'm not going to be the one explaining to headquarters about this."

"Well neither am I!" Tommy snapped back, an offended tone in his voice. "I'm not the one at fault here."

"You were the one supposed to keep an eye out, you idiot!"

"Well it was kind of hard to keep an eye out when someone decided that the best thing to do would be to throw a smoke bomb for no reason!"

"Why are you bringing me into your argument?!" Wilbur yelled from the front seat.

"Because you started everything, asshole!" Tommy screeched back.

Behind the steering wheel, Phil sighed and tried not to bang his head on the steering wheel.

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