Thoughts (Tommy-centric)

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Tommy knew this was coming. He had known ever since Schlatt announced his plans to campaign, a glint in his eyes among the surprise of it all. He had known when Schlatt2020 combined their votes with SWAG2020, and managed to get a percent over POG2020. He had known it when Schlatt had stood on the podium, arms spread out, and a maniacal grin on his face.

So then, why did it still hurt?

Tommy sat on his bed, curled up, a few hours after everything happened. Wilbur was in the other room, probably asleep. They were exiled and given a bounty by the now-emperor Schlatt, and they had to run and hide, lest they get killed.

And not to mention the amount of people who were trapped within Schlatt's tyranny. Tubbo, Niki; hell, even Eret...

(He didn't think about Fundy. Fundy was dead to him now.)

He flopped down onto his bed and stared at the stone ceiling. If he imagined it enough, he could believe that he was still at his house, in L'manburg, with Tubbo in the room next to him, and the others scattered around, but still alive and free.

(But his L'manburg was gone. Dead. Perished.)

(It's all Schlatt's fault, all his fault, all Tommy's fault. If he was a little more charismatic, if he was braver, smarter-)

There was the sound of buzzing. It reminded him of Tubbo's bees.

He wondered how Tubbo was doing. Was he safe? Tommy hoped he would be alright without him. Tubbo was braver and smarter than him, he would do alright.

(Unlike Tommy.)

His vision started to blur. He raised his hand to rub at his eyes, scrunching his nose, and oh.

There were tears. Huh. He wasn't crying, was he?

Sighing, he drew up the blanket to cover his body, laying on his side. He was just tired, it was only natural that tears would start to fall. There was still buzzing. Must be the bees from above ground. Or maybe it was a hallucination.

He should probably go to sleep. People think clearer when they get enough sleep anyway, and him and Wilbur needed all the clear thoughts for tomorrow. They had to take down Schlatt, after all. Even if it seemed like a lost cause.

His eyes began drooping. He yawned, and shuffled nearer to the pillow, sleep overtaking his mind.

He closed his eyes.

And his world turned blue.

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