[R] Sunflower Brothers (Dream & Tommy)

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(A/N: request as a pic. taking a few small creative liberties with this one, hope you enjoy! this isn't as chaotic, because I don't know what constitutes as that lmao)

Dream is live! - face reveal :)

Dream chuckled awkwardly, resisting from lifting his hand to rub the back of his head as he saw the chat flying by. He could see a lot of hearts and compliments, and that was enough to ease his nervous heart a little.

"So Uh, welcome to the stream," he said nervously. "I'm a bit nervous, if you couldn't tell. But anyways, we're gonna do a different kind of Minecraft for this stream. We'll be working on a few building projects on a solo creative world, and I'll just answer your questions and such. Anyways, uh, let's just get started and stuff."

Dream had ever streamed with a face camera before, if ever. He wasn't sure what he would find on Twitter when everything was over, but he did his best to not make any weird faces and such as he streamed. He knew most of his fans would be pleased, though, since he looked almost exactly like how they envisioned him to be, except his blond hair was much brighter, and his eyes were more of a green-blue than actual green.

"'What made you decide to do a face reveal?'" Dream read out. "Uh, actually, I'm also going to be revealing something else, and it's concerning another one of the Dream SMP members. Nothing bad, I promise. There will probably be a lot of fanart from this, however."

At that, his chat went wild. Most of his viewers were typing 'DreamNotFound' in his chat, which made him chuckle, but make no comment on. At one point, his moderators had to leave the chat in sub-only mode, but it was still going by pretty fast.

"'What's with the sunflower on your hoodie?'" Dream read out another question. He laughed lightly. "Well, I wanted to match with someone. You'll see soon enough."

While he was building a kitchen, he received a notification from his phone. Checking it, he grinned when he saw the text by Tommy, his brother.

:) tommy: I'm ready whenever u r

Chuckling, he texted back a quick reply.

You: oh please I was waiting for you gremlin child

Dream continued playing on his solo Minecraft world, even doing a little bit of singing. Eventually, he perked up when he heard a certain voice speaking.

"-the best, if annoying, brother in the entire world," Tommy's voice drifted in from the doorway. Dream smiled as he switched to his face camera taking up the entirety of the stream screen. He saw the chat going by in curiosity as he shifted the camera so that it was zoomed out, to show the door behind him.

"Better come in before I get bored, you brat," he called out teasingly.

Tommy laughed, and in an instant, was slamming the door open, his camera held in his hand, possibly to make a future YouTube video on.

"Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in-between, Dream Was Taken!" he cried out, a wide grin on his face.

Dream glanced at his chat as Tommy went to sprawl on his bed, chattering on and on about how Dream was the most clingy brother ever, his camera turned off and left to the side after the recording the most important part. He chuckled as he saw his chat freaking out about him and Tommy being brothers. They were also freaking about the evident fact that Tommy had a flower crown on, one made of fake sunflowers.

"No, it wasn't George, chat," he giggled. "This is Tommy, and he's my brother."

"Ay!" Tommy cheered.

"'Sunflower brothers pog?'" Dream laughed at that donation. "No chat, no, don't give him ideas-"

"Sunflower brothers supremacy!" Tommy yelled from the bed, and Dream let out his wheeze-laugh.

"Look what you've done, chat," he said, though it was more fond than distressed. "Now he's got that as an idea."

"Well yeah, but it's cool," Tommy laughed. "You're just a- a sunflower-hater, Dream. Yeah, that's what you are, a sunflower-hater!"

"Wh- no I am not! Chat, do not believe this boy, I do not hate sunflowers I promise!"

For the rest of the stream, he talked with Tommy as he continued answering questions with him and building in his Minecraft world. At some point, Tommy had tired himself out and had fallen asleep on his bed, which Dream only noticed after his chat started spamming 'SleepyInnit'. That was when Dream decided to end the stream, after tucking his younger brother into bed.

And when he checked Twitter after he ended his stream, he had to laugh at the tags and words on trending, and the Twitter Description Man's descriptions.

#SunflowerBrothers - YouTuber and streamer Dream revealed that he and a fellow YouTuber and streamer TommyInnit were actually brothers, and the name 'Sunflower Brothers' was given to them after fans noticed that they both had sunflowers on them.
Dream - YouTuber and streamer Dream has done an official face reveal, and fans are going insane over it.
Tommy - It was revealed on YouTuber and streamer Dream's stream that YouTuber and streamer TommyInnit is his brother.

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