🔘 A Little Tune (iDots)

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(A/N: it has come to my knowledge that ppl like the iDots aren't very popular on here... or anywhere, really. but that will not stop me from writing about them so have this. also I wrote the weird song thing as I went, it's supposed to have that vibe don't hurt me-)

"Crimson roses, crimson roses,
You remember but they forget."

"-and it's not like I did it on purpose!"

Finn grinned widely when they heard the sound of their friends arriving. They could see Vurb being carried on Spifey's back, Zelk walking next to them. Bad was hovering over Skeppy, with Mega being dragged along.

Their friends had arrived.

"Starlight draws a crescent in the skies,
Shall you tell the truth or hide from the light?"

It had been so long since Finn was able to get together with their friends. Skeppy was often out doing his trickster acts, Bad was usually helping out in Dream's realm, and generally being the peacemaker. Vurb had been on a long quest with the champion of Solradis. Spifey had been wandering around, teaching village children and helping rebuild fallen civilisations. Mega was accompanying Skeppy, preventing any more damage that needed to be done. Zelk was busy taking care of the lawful matters in the Council, and consequently in the Higher Plane. Finn themselves was busy making sure things went right with training the strays they had found.

"Lulled by a sweet lullaby, underneath a breeze,
The roses drip their colour, and you hardly regret."

Finn hummed idly, sipping a mug of hot chocolate. They wore a dark blue sweater that had been made and given to them by Bad. Everyone else was also wearing their BadBoyHalo-made sweaters. Bad himself looked ecstatic to see his friends enjoying the sweaters he had made for them out of love.

Everyone was quietly chatting with one another. The closest to them was Spifey, who was curled up beside them, almost dozing off already.

"The moonshine is intoxicating and mesmerising,
Listen closely, do you hear the crickets sing?"

"Ow, ow, ow- Mega, stOP!" Skeppy's screech startled everyone else out of their peaceful state. Mega was pulling on the gemstone hybrid's hair-spikes, a scowl on the usually emotionless-seeming enby.

"Stop trying to be like Technoblade and terrorise your followers," even without speaking, Mega's annoyance was evident in their projected thoughts.

Finn hid a smile behind their mug.

"Crimson roses, crimson roses,
You forget but they remember."

Finn snickered as Skeppy and Mega got into a fistfight, Bad trying to diffuse the situation, while the rest of them just sit back and place bets.

"Ten gold says Bad pulls his puppy eyes and they just stop," Zelk called out, the elk hybrid laying on Spifey's side. Said nature spirit didn't seem to mind the added weight, nor the horns digging into his side.

"Another ten says Mega wins," Vurb piped up, the pug hybrid sliding in to wrap an arm over Finn's shoulders. They rolled their eyes fondly, but made no move to push the other off.

"Graceless eyes meet shardless windows,
Lift your head, face the light, and sing this tune."

"We should meet up again sometime," Spifey mused, as Finn helped him braid his hair, flowers carefully threaded into the spirit's hair. Finn hummed an affirmative, reaching out for more flowers.

"Finn!" Bad called out, and they paused for a moment to look at the demon Nephilim. He smiled brightly.

"I hope you don't mind me tagging along with you," he laughed nervously. "I don't want to return back to Dream's land yet, they're still figuring some things out that I'd rather not get involved in, for everyone's sake."

"Sure," Finn shrugged. Their friends were always welcome in their domain, after all. They'd rather their friends stay with them forever, so they could keep them safe, but time stopped for no one.

"Your words are your weapons, and you are yourself,
Take care of your tongue, and stay safe in the dark."

"Have a safe trip," Finn smiled at their friends, who all gave them a wave. Bad ya£ to leave for a while to get his things, but he would be back soon enough.

Zelk hugged them tightly. "Stay safe, Finn," he whispered. "And please remember."

A pause. Finn's brows furrowed.

"Zelk, what do you mean?"

"The mist hides a lot of things to be forgotten,
But it can never hide the emotions that remain."

"-nn? Finn?"

Finn snapped back to attention. "Yeah?"

Eret stared at them in concern. "Are you alright? You spaced out for quite a while."

Finn blinked. There was a faint wisp of memory, but it was already fading away... "Yeah, I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine, Eret. Now, what was the trade agreement about?"

"Crimson roses, crimson roses,
No one remembers, but still everyone forgets."

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