Sons of Sons (SBI & Ranboo & Fundy)

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(A/N: quick note. uhh y'know how Fundy's character is canonically trans? yeah I incorporated that into the story so in the beginning Fundy will be referred to under another name & different pronouns. if that's a bad thing to do I'll change it out to Fundy in this chapter being cis.)

Phil always thought he would have quite a while to go before he got any grandchildren. After all, none of his sons had shown any interest in marrying or even having children, and they were all still pretty young.

So when Wilbur came back after a full year at sea with a small, fox-eared baby in his arms, Phil almost choked on his drink.

"What the fuck?" Tommy gaped at his older brother in disbelief. Techno had put down the book he was reading to stare in silent surprise at his twin. Wilbur shushed them as the baby in his arms started whining, rocking the baby back and forth.

"Hey," he said, a tired smile on his face. "Sorry I've been gone for so long."

"Is the baby yours?" Phil asked. Wilbur stroked the baby's ears and nodded.

"Her name is Marigold," he told them as he carefully sat in the sofa, Tommy rushing over to take a closer look at the baby. "I... she's biologically mine."

"You have a relationship with some girl at sea?" Techno asked with a raised eyebrow. Wilbur tensed up.

"Had a relationship," he muttered, and that was the end of the story. He turned to look up at Phil. "I know I've been gone for so long, and you probably won't want me here anymore, but Marigold-"

Phil sighed. Gently, he laid a hand on his son's shoulder.

"You'll always be my son," he told Wilbur. "Now come on, you look like you need your sleep. We can take care of your daughter for now."

Tommy nodded eagerly, and while Techno didn't show the same enthusiasm as his youngest brother, he still nodded.

"Thank you," Wilbur whispered.

When Marigold turned six, she came out as male, and the family did their best to make sure Fundy felt welcomed and stayed safe and healthy while he was undergoing his transition. Wilbur took pride in calling Fundy his son, not that he wasn't already proud of him before.

They bought a bigger house. It was further away from the main city, and if they wanted to visit where they used to stay they would have to travel for hours, but it was worth it to see Fundy's smile when he realised he had a whole room to himself.

They had neighbours, too. Tommy quickly made friends with Tubbo, both of them bonding over being the youngest in their households. Niki was a nice girl who often helped him out with babysitting, and Eret helped them to find better paying jobs around their new area.

For a while, Phil thought that would be the end of any grandchildren. His sons would stay young and never have children again, and they would all raise Fundy together to the best of their abilities.

And then Techno came back with a black and white haired toddler blinking in his arms, and Phil knew that they would have to make room for another occupant of their house soon.

"His name is Ranboo," Techno told him in hushed tones as Tommy, Wilbur and Fundy played with the toddler to distract him. "He's biologically mine too. I don't- I don't think I know or remember how, but I couldn't just leave him behind."

Phil patted Techno's head. "It's fine. We'll help you raise him, just like we do with Will and Fundy."

Techno leaned into the touch. "Thanks, Dad," he whispered.

Ranboo shared his room with Fundy, the two-year old excited to have a friend to play with. He didn't seem to remember anything about his mother, and Techno had no recollection of ever having been in a relationship or had something with a girl, so Ranboo's other parent would remain a mystery to them.

So that was how his family was. Him, his three sons, and his two grandsons. While some people would think it was too early and he was too young to already have grandsons, he wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

He just hoped Tommy wouldn't decide to follow after his brothers' footsteps at his age.

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