Chapter 27

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You and Fred walk to practice and see three extra kids. "Since Angelina is...gone, we need another Chaser." Oliver announces. You nudge Fred's shoulder and point to a red haired kid standing in the middle.

"Your younger brother is trying out. Personally, I thought he would be a Keeper." You and Fred giggle with each other until Oliver claps his hands near your face. "Now! You three are going to go up with Y/l/n and Smith! Up! UP!" Wood yells. You kiss Fred's cheek and walk over to Penny. You both mount your brooms and fly up. The other three quickly do the same. 


"Damn Ron! You're pretty good at Chaser!" You shout at him from a distance. "It's from all those games that we play at home during the summer!" He shouts back. Practice ends and you meet Fred on the ground. "Eww, you're all sweaty." Fred says. 

"Oh shush. I look better than you still." You wink. "Is that so?" Fred says and picks you up. "Again?" You say. He laughs and you just accept that he's gonna throw you over his shoulder forever. Fred grabs your broom and starts carrying you back up to the castle.

"Did I do good today?"Ron catches up to you and Fred, not evening asking why you're on Fred's shoulders. "You did amazing Ron. I really hope Wood brings you onto the team." You smile at him. "Thanks Y/n! I'm surprised I did so well." He says. "Weasley, put Y/l/n down." McGonagall says. 

Fred sets you down and puts his arm around your shoulders. "I was giving her some rest. Quidditch takes a lot out of an amazing player." He says. You blush a bit and smile at McGonagall. "Yes she is an amazing player but please do not do that in the castle. Go to dinner then detention you two." She smiles and walks away. 

You and Fred enter the Great Hall and sit down. "Y/n, can I talk to you?" Dumbledore asks. You nod and walk behind him nervously. You stop right outside the doors. "I just remembered that we didn't talk about why Tom killed your parents. After detention come to my office, I already told Snape." Dumbledore says. You nod and head back to your seat. 

"What did Dumbledore say?" George asks. You avoid eye contact and look down at your plate. "Oh uh, nothing." You quickly say and start eating. Fred puts his hand on your thigh and squeezes it. You know he's going to ask later on. You and Fred leave and head to Snape's room to serve detention again. 

"You do know we are going to talk later." He says grabbing your hand. " I know. I figured when you put your hand on my thigh." You look down. You two walk into Snape's class and sit down. Snape sits down and looks at you. "Miss. Y/l/n, you have a lot of work to do for my class and your other classes. I was so kind to pick it up for you from your teachers." He brings a big pile of parchment over to your table.

"Uh, t-thank you professor." You say and take you ink and quill out. You sigh and start with Charms. 


Snape let's you go and start to head to Dumbledore's office. "Where are you going darling?" Fred grabs your shoulder and spins you around. "I have to go to Dumbledore's office. Can you take my bag up to my dorm? It won't take long." You hand him your bag. Fred nods, kisses you and walks away. 

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