Chapter 9

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"What is it Freddie?" You ask when you two stop dancing. Fred takes a deep breath and then starts talking. "Y/n, ever since we were kids I knew you were the one. I've had a crush on you since we were 9. Y/n will you be my girlf-" You cut him off by putting you lips on his.

You feel him smile and kiss you back. You both pull away and you immediately start blushing. "I've really wanted to do that for a long time." Fred smiles. He puts his hand up to your face and places it on your cheek. "I didn't even know you liked me too." You laugh.

"So y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Fred asks. Your smile grows bigger. You jump up and wrap your arms and legs around him. Fred laughs and says, "I'll take that as a yes." 

"I wanna cuddle." Fred starts to pout. You laugh and hop off of him. "Let's go back to the common room then." You say. You and Fred head back to the Gryffindor tower. As you're walking away from the Astronomy tower, Fred grabs your hand and starts swinging your hands back and forth.

"Come on Freddiee!" You say and start skipping. Fred laughs and skips along with you. You guys get back to the common room and Fred lays down on the couch. "I need to go get some pants on. I'm freezing." You say and run upstairs quickly and walk back down.

Fred sees you walk down the stairs and opens his arms doing the grabby motion with his hands and a pouty face. You smile and sit on top of him. "Lay downnnn." He whines. You roll your eyes and lay on his chest, wrapping your arms around him. 

"This is really comfy princess." Fred says. "New nickname huh?" You say laughing. "I'm only going to call you that when no one is around." He says. You nod and then turn your head to stare at the fire with your head on Fred's chest.

The painting door opens and George walks in. "Ohhhhh, finally! Did Fred finally ask you y/n?" He asks eagerly. You giggle and say yes. George jumps up and down then jumps on top of you two. "Ouch George! That hurt!" Fred yells.

George gets up and so do you. Fred starts chasing after George, telling him he's going to backhand him. You just laugh at their stupidity. You see that it's 11 p.m and classes start tomorrow. You get off the couch and stretch.

You walk up to your dorm  and lay down. You close your eyes and try to at least get a bit of sleep. There's a knock on the door and it opens. You sit up and see Fred peaking his head in. "Princess?" He whispers. You turn your lamp on and smile.

Fred walks in and over to you. "Yes Freddie?" You ask. He doesn't say anything, just crawls into your bed. "Alright then, come on in." You laugh. You move over to give him some room. 

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