Chapter 75

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You start walking around in the maze, trying to find where the cup may be. You hear a scream and start running. You turn a corner and see Harry crouching down next to Fleur who is getting engulfed by vines. "Oh god." You send up red sparks and grab Harry. "Come on. They'll come and get her. She'll be okay." You say. He nods and follows behind you. A big gust of wind blows into you and the walls start caving in behind you and Harry. You grab his hand and start running. "What the fuck is happening in here!" Harry yells. You turn a corner and throw Harry in front of you. You see something shiny in the far distance.

"The cup. Harry look the cup! Come on!" You yell. You both start running. Someone shoots a spell at you and Harry but misses. You see Cedric and Krum fighting down one of the halls. Cedric throws a spell at Viktor and he flies back. Cedric kicks Viktor's wand out of his hand and points his own down. "Cedric no! He's bewitched!" You yell and push him away. "He's bewitched you bloody idiot! Can't you see his eyes?" You yell at him. Cedric looks at Viktor's eyes and then shoots red sparks up. 

"Come on, the cup is up ahead." You say and start walking. Harry follows behind you until Cedric starts yelling. "Y/n! Harry! Help me!" He yells. You spin around seeing vines grabbing onto Cedric's ankles. You point your wand at the vines. "Reducto!" You yell and hit the vines. They let of of Cedric and You grab him. You grab Harry and drag them both to the cup. "Go on! Take it!" You yell at them. "No you take it! You saved me!" Cedric yells. Harry looks at you both. "Together!" He yells. All three of you grab onto the cup at the same time and end up in a graveyard." 

You look around for Harry and Cedric. "Where are we?" Cedric looks around. Harry's eyes widen. "I-I've been here before." He says and stands up. Harry starts grunting and holding onto his head. "The cup was a Portkey. Harry, Y/n, the cup was a Portkey!" Cedric says. Harry falls to the ground continuing to grab his head. "Harry what is it?" Cedric. He looks over at you two. "Get back to the cup! You need to get back to the cup!" He yells. You hear a twig snap and pull your wand out. "What do you want?" You ask. 

"Kill the tall one." A voice says. The short fat man pulls his wand out. "Avada Kedavra!" He yells and points his wand at Cedric. Cedric flies back and lands nears the cup. "Cedric no!" You yell and run over to him. You put his head onto your lap. "No Cedric please." You cry. "Wormtail no!" Harry yells. You turn and see the man, Wormtail, put Harry up against the statue and it him there. He looks at you and does the same thing. He puts you next to Harry and runs over to a cauldron. "Do it now!" The voice says again.

Wormtail drops something into the cauldron. "Bones of the father, unknowingly given." He says and a bone drops in. "Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed." He takes a knife and cuts his hand off, dropping it in. "Oh god." You look away. "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken." Wormtail walks over to Harry and cuts his arm. He takes the knife over to the cauldron to let the blood drop. He turns to the two of you and smiles. "The Dark Lord shall rise again." 

The cauldron bursts into flames and a figure emerges from it. Your eyes widen as you see Voldemort standing there. He turns to Wormtail. "Wormtail, my wand." He says. Wormtail hands Voldemort a wand and bows. Voldemort asks for his arm and the Dark Mark forms in the sky. People appear all around. "Welcome my friends. Thirty years it's been, and yet you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed, not one of you tried to find me." Voldemort says. He slashes angrily at the hooded figures. He goes on with talking to all of them.

Voldemort walks over to Cedric's body and looks down. "Oh, such a handsome boy." He says. "Don't touch him!" You yell. He turns to you and his smile fades. "Y/f/n Y/l/n?" He says walking over to you. You don't respond. "You look so much like your mother, except the hair and nose. Look just like your father's." He smiles a bit. Tears start to form but you don't let them fall. "Y/n? How does he know your parents?" Harry asks. Voldemort snaps his head towards Harry while you look away. 

"Almost forgot you were here Harry!" Voldemort laughs. "Standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you but you're almost as famous as me!" He laughs again. "The boy who lived." He smiles evilly. Voldemort goes on and tells the story about what really happened fourteen years ago. "I could not touch you. It was old magic, something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed. I can touch you now!" He presses a finger onto Harry's scar and he starts screaming in pain. 

Voldemort removes his finger and waves his wand at the statue, dropping you both. "Pick up your wand Potter. I said pick it up, get up. Get up!" Voldemort laughs. Harry grabs his wand and stand up. "Atta boy Harry! Now we bow to each other." Voldemort makes Harry bow and he smiles. "Crucio!" Voldemort yells. Harry falls down to the ground and starts to scream in pain. 

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