Chapter 7

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You pick at your food during the feast. Taking nearly 4 bites. You decide to just leave and head to the Gryffindor Tower to unpack. You walk up to The Fat Lady and say the password, "Caput Draconis" 

The Fat Lady opens and you enter. You slowly walk up stairs. "Y/n?" Someone says. You turn and see Fred entering the common room. "Oh hey Fred! What are you doing here already?" You ask stopping on the stairs.

"I could ask you the same thing. I saw you leave the Great Hall and you barely ate." He says coming up to you on the stairs. "I just wasn't that hungry. I don't get that hungry that much Fred. You know that." You weakly smile at him. 

"Darling, I know that there is something wrong. I can sense it. Are you still on what Ginny said?" He asks, putting his hands on your waist. Fred is only on the step just below you and still manages to be taller than you.

"Not at all, I'm just tired. Long train ride you know. I'm just going to go unpack." You try and turn around but Fred doesn't move his hands. "F-Fred I need to go unpack." You say looking up at him. You see tears starting to form in Fred's eyes. "Freddie..." You whisper and reach up to his face.

 You wipe off the tears. Fred brings you closer to him and wraps his arms around you. You feel your anxiety lift off your shoulders as you wrap your arms around his torso. "Freddie, what's wrong?" You rub his back. You can feel his tears on your shoulder as your shirt gets wet. 

"I-I just feel like were drifting apart. You used to tell me everything that happened to you. When I ask you what's wrong you would tell me. But now you're just lying to me." He sobs. You start to feel really bad. Because it's true, you haven't been telling Fred that much anymore. 

"I'm sorry Freddie. I just feel like most of the time I bother you, almost everyday something happens to me. I just don't want to become a bother to you." You say. Fred pulls away and grabs your shoulders. "You will never be a bother to me y/n. You are my best friend. I could never get annoyed by you. I love it when you tell me what's going on in your life." He says. 

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