Chapter 103

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Fred holds you in his lap and cries. "Y/n no. I can't lose you. You're my everything." He cries. You slowly smile and place your hand on his cheek. "When tomorrow starts without me, don't sulk and cry for or hide from everyone. Take the day on one at a time. When something stops you in your path, defeat it and continue forward. Don't let my death get in your way. Times will be tough but you are so strong Freddie." You whisper. Fred kisses you one last time before you close your eyes. 

Memories start to flash through. Every single amazing memory that has happened in your life. Becoming best friends with George and Fred, starting Hogwarts, making the Quidditch team, your first ever Quidditch game, your first kiss with Fred, your first date with him. Every single happy memory flashes before your eyes. 

Your eyes snap open and you sit up. You look around at the white area around you. You stand up to start walking around. "Where am I?" You whisper looking around. "I'd say between life and death." A voice says. You look forward to see Dumbledore standing there smiling. "Professor." You say and hug him. "Is this real? Or am I hallucinating?" You ask him. "Of course you're hallucinating a tad bit, but why would it mean that it's not real." Dumbledore says. 

"Y/n, you have a choice. Either go back to your life and finish helping Harry or stay here with us." He says. "Y/n?" Another voice says. You look past Dumbledore and see a beautiful woman with blonde hair standing there. Then a man with brown hair comes up and sets his hands on her shoulders. "Mum? Dad?" You say. They smile and nod. You look back at Dumbledore who is almost smiling. You slowly walk towards them. You mum extends her hand. You hesitate before putting your hand out to her's. 

When you feel her soft skin you start to cry and hug her. Your father comes to your side and hugs you as well. "We've missed you so much." You father says. "I've missed you too." You cry. Your mum kisses your head and cups your face. "I want to stay here with you." You whisper. She shakes her head. "You can't sweetie. You need to go back. Be there for Fred and everyone. They need you." She says. "But I'll never see you again." You cry. Your father puts a hand on your shoulder. 

"You will, just when it's you time. Now is not your time. So many care about you Y/n." He says. You some more but nod. You hug them one last time before everything around you starts to turn white.

You gasp for air and look around. You're in the Great Hall on a stretcher. You sit up and see people still fighting a couple of Death Eaters. They defeat them and walk out. You stand up and look around at the other bodies on stretchers. You see a particular person with now faded purple hair. You walk over to see Tonks and Remus lying on stretchers. Their hands still touching. You put your hand on theirs before heading out of the Great Hall. 

You walk out to the front of castle. You walk through a gap where the doors used to be and see Voldemort his army of Death Eaters on the other side. You look to the right and see Hagrid holding someone. You limp down the stairs. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort laughs. Ginny screams no and you wince. "You shall join us or die." He says. You take your wand out of your pocket and start walking. "Looks like there is someone coming forward." Voldemort says.

You walk around everyone and come to the front. "Y/n?" His smile fades away. You look at him dead in the eyes. "You kill my parents; I get that my mum asked you to, you kill Cedric who wasn't part of this, you send your Death Eaters to my brother's wedding, and now you destroy my home." You say to him. He doesn't say anything. "You know, you didn't have to become this type of person. You could of just lived your life as Tom Riddle even though you didn't like you Muggle father's name. You could've changed it." You say. 

"Harry and Neville weren't a threat to you at all." Voldemort just looks at you. Neville limps forward with the Sorting Hat. "It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. He'll still be with us, in here." He points to his heart. "And I don't want this war to continue anymore." Neville pulls the Sword of Godric Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat. You look over to Hagrid who is crying over Harry's body. Just then Harry roles out of Hagrids arms and scrambles to find a wand.

Draco runs away from his father. "Pottah!" He yells and throws Harry his wand. Harry catches it and runs away. Voldemort shoots a spell at him but misses since you disarm him. He looks at you and frowns. "I'm not having you kill another part of my family." You say. Bellatrix throws a spell at you but Molly jumps in front of you and blocks it. They all turn into their black mist and go into the castle. Voldemort does the same to find Harry. You look over at Draco who is leaning against a wall.

He looks at you and you smile. A genuine smile. You give him a thumbs him as the rest of the Death Eaters vanish. Molly turns and hugs you. "Fred said you were dead!" She cries. You automatically hug her back. "I was for a little bit. But I'm back now." You say. You let go and look around trying to find Fred. You do and see he's crying with his head on George's shoulder. George looks up over at you and tries to stop crying.

"F-Freddie look. Sh-She's alive." You hear him say to Fred. Fred just shakes his head until he looks up over at you. His eyes grow wide and he runs over to you. You run to him and jump into his arms, wrapping your arms and legs around him. "I thought I lost your princess." He cries. You cry as well and rubs his back. "You can't get rid of me that easily." You laugh. 

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