Chapter 12

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No one has noticed that you weren't sitting with them. You just decided to go back up to your dorm and do some homework. You light a couple of candles and take out everything. Parchment, ink, quills, books. 

As you're finishing your Care for the Magical Creatures homework, you start to over think about you and Fred. "What if he sees another girl and he thinks she's prettier than me? What if he leaves me for her? We've only been dating for 2 or 3 days, but still. Anything can happen." You whisper to yourself.

You shake your head and quickly stand up, pacing around in your room. You see Fred's Quidditch broom leaning up against your bed post. "Why is this here?" You whisper. You slowly walk over to it and pick it up.

"Whatever, I'll use this." You mount it and kick off the ground. You've been on this broom many times over the summers. You, the twins, Ron, Harry and Ginny would play Quidditch sometimes in the Summer. 

You fly through your window and admire the moon and the stars. You fly over to the Quidditch Pitch and sit on top of the goal posts. You stare up at the moon lost in your thoughts. You start to think about your parents. All of the happy memories you made with them before they were killed. 

"Why won't anyone tell me what happened?" You say to the moon. As you expected, the moon doesn't say anything back. "Won't tell you what?" You quickly pull your wand out and spin around pointing your wand at the figure.

"Malfoy?" You put your want back into your pocket. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" You ask turning back around. "Well, I came here to think but looks like I was beat." He laughs a bit. You roll your eyes and get onto Fred's broom. 

"Well I'm going back to my dorm. Have a good night." You say and slowly fly away. "Wait! Y/n!" Draco yells. He catches up to you. "Can I know what you were talking about? What won't anyone tell you." He asks. You roll your eyes. "Why do you care? You're a Malfoy, plus it's my business." You say. 

You two just stare at each other until you hear another broom. You look to the left and see George flying up. "Y/n! Where have you been?" George yells. "Places." You mutter. "And why are you with Malfoy?" He eyes him. "We were just talking Weasley." Draco scoffs.

George rolls his eyes and grabs your arm. "Come on Y/n, Fred is worried sick." He says. You pull your arm away and quickly fly away. 

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