Chapter 66

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The next day you and Hermione are sitting in the Great Hall reading your books. The door opens, George and Fred come running in holding something in their hands. Everyone starts clapping for them except you and Hermione. "Made it fresh this morning!" Fred says. You roll your eyes. "It's not going to work." You and Hermione both say in a sing song voice. George sits next to Hermione and Fred next to you. "Oh yeah? Why's that?" George asks. You both close your books. "You see this? This is an age line drawn by Dumbledore himself." Hermione says. 

"So?" Fred smiles. "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly let by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion." You say say to Fred. "That's why it's so brilliant." George starts. "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." Fred says and kisses your cheek. They stand up and start shaking the vials while you and Hermione go back to your books. "Ready Fred?" "Ready George." "Bottoms up." They say in unison and drink the liquid. 

They jump in the circle and wait a moment. Nothing happens and everyone cheers. George and Fred high give and drop two pieces of parchment into the goblet. The flame fires up and they both go flying across the room then hit the ground. "We told them." You say. "We did." Hermione agrees. You look up to see them fighting. "I swear they never listen...oh look, their hair is gray and have really long beards." You start laughing. Hermione looks up and starts laughing at the sight of them. 

Everyone falls silent when Viktor Krum walks in and puts his name into the goblet. He looks over at the two of you and smiles at Hermione. She blushes and goes back to reading. "Krum totally has a thing for you." You whisper. "He does not! It was just a friendly smile. He probably does it to everyone." She flushes. You smile and stand up. "I'm gonna go grab Fred. Bye Hermione." You say. She waves as you go over to Fred. You look up at him and cross your arms. He smiles nervously while looking down at you. 

You grab his ear and start dragging him out of the hall. "Ooohhhh, Fred's in troubleeeee." George laughs. You turn around and grab his ear. "Don't think I forgot about you." You say and drag them both out of the hall while everyone else laughs. You sit them both down at a nearby bench. "What did Hermione and I say?" You ask. They put their heads down. "That it wasn't going to work." They say together. You nod in agreement. "Were we right?" You ask. "Yes." They say dimly. "Mhm, that's what I thought. Let's go to Madam Pomfrey so you two don't look like old men. I don't want to kiss Fred while looking like that." You laugh.

Fred looks up at you and sticks his tongue out. You take them to the Hospital Wing and hand them over to Madam Pomfrey. "Here's two more who tried to use an age potion to enter the tournament." You set them both on a bed. "I swear, you children and trying to enter that contest." She shakes her head. She pours some weird liquid into two cup and give them each one. They drink it and their hair start going back to the normal bright red and the beards go away. "Children." You roll your eyes and start walking away. 

Someone scoops you up and throws you over their shoulder. "Fred, put me down." You say. "Not until you give me a kiss." He laughs. You smack the back of his head. "My ass if near your face, I can't kiss you dumb dumb." You say. Fred smacks your ass again then pulls you forward so you wrap your legs around his waist. "Now can I have a kiss?" He smiles. You roll your eyes. "I can't say no to that smile." You kiss him and he sets you down. "You're still dumb for trying to use an age potion." You sat and walk away. 

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